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Key Technological Advances in the NHS

As one of the oldest and most valued institutions in the UK, the NHS has become an icon of British culture and values. Since 1948 it has offered free universal healthcare to all citizens of the UK, no matter how much money they may have.

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Despite its age, the NHS is no stranger to new technology, which it has embraced at every turn. With technological innovation now advancing at an unprecedented rate, there is plenty of new technology which the NHS benefits from. Here are some of the key technological advances.

Key Technological Advances in the NHS

NHS Apps

Many conditions/concerns which people visit their GP about often turn out to be relatively minor or harmless, but no one can know this without the right information. The NHS is now releasing apps which can help people manage some of the more common conditions they may have, as well as potentially self-diagnose their ailments.

This could well save the NHS a significant amount of money in the long run, as well as helping patients to avoid waiting a lengthy period of time for their appointment. It could also be the case that apps of this kind are much more widely used for an array of conditions in the future.


The NHS has constantly been expanding and improving its digital operations, and now the Health and Social Care Network (HCSN) is set to replace the N3 network. With the help of companies like Redcentric, it aims to make better use of data and technology, ultimately saving the NHS money and helping it to significantly improve its services.

End users will be able to better access and exchange information electronically, and core connectivity will be greatly improved. The end goal of implementing this new technology will be to improve overall efficiency and collaboration throughout the NHS.

Digital Appointments

The introduction of digital appointment booking has allowed people to make appointments in a much faster and more efficient manner. Patients can now book an appointment as and when sits them, without having to phone their local surgery.

This will once again improve overall efficiency in the NHS in the long run, and help to give patients the flexibility they desire.
Much of the new technology which has been adopted by the NHS helps improve its effectiveness as an institution, in many different areas. With this in mind, it will be exciting to see what the future holds in terms of new technology for this established British icon.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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