HomeBlogLatest Trends in Mobile App Development 2018

Latest Trends in Mobile App Development 2018

Trends are quiet usual to change over time. But, when it comes to the matter of technology, trend changes at a faster rate. Let it be mobile, game, operating system or app or anything, change and up-gradation is inevitable.

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Now, let’s have look into the various mobile app development trends to watch out in 2018.

mobile app development trends 2018

1. Augmented reality and virtual reality

Augmented reality is nothing but an improved version of reality created using technology. It serves for adding digital information to image. On the other hand, virtual reality uses computer technology for creating a simulated environment, making the user feel like ‘near reality’

2. Artificial Intelligence(AI)

This app uses machines, particularly computers to imitate the human intelligence processes. The various process which are simulated using AI includes reasoning, learning, self-correction. These process will in turn help in achieving machine vision, expert systems and speech recognition.

3. Cloud based apps

Cloud based apps are the ones which operates in the cloud. The best part of these cloud based apps is that it includes both the desktop applications and also web applications. With more of its advantages and less of drawbacks, these cloud based apps offer its user a rich experience of using it.

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4. Wearable apps

Wearable apps are the smart electronic devices that goes fashionable to wear on body as accessories or implants. These include sensors, smartwatches, etc. Wearable apps, mark its role not only in commercial arena, but also it plays an important role in healthcare, navigation systems and advanced textiles.

5. Mobile payments

There are so many mobile payment apps available these days. The development of E-commerce has accounted for the launch of lot many mobile payment apps enhancing the user’s ease in transferring the money.

6. The Internet of Things(IOT)

Internet of things involves the combination of technology to non-IT items. For instance, the various physical devise, home appliances, vehicles and like such are embedded with software, actuators, electronics, and connectivity with the help of which these objects can connect and exchange data. The demand for these devices, sensors and web apps are on growth. Already, there are so many Internet of things (IOT) development tool are running on mobile devices.

7. Beacons and location based services

With the advancement of techno-driven mobile apps, the demand for the location based apps is on raise. The location based technology has resulted in the development of mobile apps which will provide the user with the utmost benefit of getting the immediate data related to your service or product. Beacon is a transmitter device which is useful for transmitting the signal. Beacon, identifies the signals with the help of Bluetooth which is enabled within a particular range. Beacons are made available in various formats and shapes, for example, USB sticks, coin cells, etc.

8. Accelerated mobile pages – AMP

Accelerated mobile pages, AMP is one of most demanded apps. This apps functions for accelerating the speed of loading the page on mobile. This AMP, works by helping in the creation of websites which run fast on various mobile devices. This accelerated mobile pages, AMP app works not only functions for accelerating the speed of loading pages on web, but also, it will work for providing an isolated search index for mobile web. There are various advantages associated with the usage of this AMP, like increasing the number of visitors for the website, reducing the bounce rate, and many more.

9. Chatbots

Chatbots are believed to be as one of the best and convenient way of interaction. This is evident for the fact that lot many big companies are using chatbot to have a talk with their customers. These chatbots are used in various places like fashion, e- commerce, banking, medical, and at many more places. This chatbots are useful not only in interacting, but also it is useful in promoting sales.

10. Android Instant Apps

Most of the apps, running on any mobile devices works only after its installation, but unlike such apps, android instant apps run on mobile device without installing it. It was first launched by Google, in the year 2016. For using these Android Instant App, the user need to download it via google play store, and it also offers the best feature that if the space is not enough for downloading, it can be downloaded further.

11. Biometrics

Biometrics, was first launched by Apple in it iPhone 5S. Now, this feature is seen almost all the latest mobile devices. Lot many devices are now, coming with fingerprinting sensors which help in making financial exchanges, making the device more secure, etc.

12. Blockchain

Blockchains are the shared ledgers that cannot be altered. The term, ‘Blockchain’ has come because the data in of the company is listed in the form of blocks. Blockchains are in use in lot many arenas like finance, real estate data management, and many more. The data which is stored in the mobile devices uses blockchains.

13. Enterprise Apps

2018, is witnessing lot many apps which will meet the requirements of the enterprises. The increasing demand for the m-commerce, is resulting in the increasing demand for such kind of enterprise apps. The best example for this statement can be cited at the usage of mobile phones for various financial transactions like purchase of goods.


As a final word, the year 2018 experiences lot many new mobile apps developments. These are sketched basically to meet the raising demand of the users. The need of the users, so as the demand for a particular app. The various mobile app developers just need to keep in mind all the various needs of the users, understand them and then need to sketch the particular app. The various mobile app development trends in 2018 are able to satisfy a broad spectrum of user’s requirements. The user’s requirements are following under a broad spectrum, this is because these days technology is penetrating into various fields. It is not exaggerating to say that nowadays, almost there is no field without the usage of technology.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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