HomeBlogPersonal Injury Law Firm Marketing Ideas that Yield Impressive Results

Personal Injury Law Firm Marketing Ideas that Yield Impressive Results

Are you looking for a way to gain the upper marketing hand at your personal injury law firm?

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There are currently over 1.3 million resident active attorneys in the US. Personal injury lawyers make up at least a tenth of this statistic.

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With such stiff competition, all injury law firms face the urgency of clever and effective marketing. However, it can be difficult identifying advertising solutions in a legal field, particularly if you have little experience.

In this post, we’ll discuss some proven law firm marketing ideas you can implement today to attract and secure clients.

Read on for more insight!

1. Transform Your Website

Many people will find personal injury lawyers via online research. Prospective clients scrutinize firm websites for information and credibility. In many cases, clients will make a decision on a certain firm based off the website itself!

This is the phenomenon of “judging a site by its cover.” While a snazzy website isn’t everything, it can be your key to impressing clients before they’ve even walked through your doors.

Spend some time with your website–it’s one of your foremost digital marketing tools available.
How user-friendly is it? Does it accurately present your firm? What’s the status of its current tech?

To function as an effective digital marketing tool, your website should be constructed with the user in mind. It should be easy to navigate, informative, and up to speed.

It should also include relevant, high-quality images depicting your team, your building, and client relationships. The best websites are also designed with mobile users in mind. Its content can adapt to the size of a phone, tablet, and desktop screens.

Your analysis may lead you to realize that professional web design services are in order. If so, go for it! Web design has a lot to do with user experience. It can be the bridge between a prospective client and a longlasting one.

For an example of a law firm site that works, check out this website.

2. Implement Content Marketing

In general, consumers are more likely to respond to marketing that resonates with them. They are more apt to turn a blind eye to ads that are overtly “sales-y.”

For this reason, stepping up your content marketing game can be the secret to attracting more clients. Instead of generic, mass marketing, identify a specific target client and write content for this ideal client alone.

Here’s an example. Let’s say that you want to cater to more medical malpractice personal injury cases. Furthermore, you wish to cater to the female demographic of such cases.

You would compose ads for women who believe they’ve been the victim of medical malpractice in a certain region. The wording and imagery you use in these ads are more personalized than what you’d use for ads catering to male victims of car accidents.

The best content marketing is specific and written for a target reader, listener, or viewer.
Consider hiring a content marketer in order to transform your current content game.

3. Use Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Many of your ideal clients turn to search engines to find legal assistance. Prospective clients may type “personal injury attorney near me” into Google and browse the results.

The more visible your firm is in these results, the more likely you are to get a click from these prospective clients.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) gives you the chance to boost your visibility for popular searches like “personal injury attorney near me.” An SEO campaign involves optimizing your content for trending keywords so prospective clients find your firm first.

There’s a lot that goes into effective SEO–generating the right content, choosing high-value keywords, and adhering to Google’s guidelines. We recommend checking out our posts on SEO to learn more.

Additionally, consider launching a local SEO campaign. Local SEO optimizes your website content (and social media content) for location-based keywords. So, if your firm operates in Nevada, local SEO can cater to clients looking specifically for personal injury lawyers in this state.

4. Turn to Billboards and Transport Ads

Car accidents are the number one type of personal injury in personal injury cases. Take advantage of this by advertising your services on billboards or other surfaces near highways and public transportation.

A lot of people underestimate the value of print ads in this regard. But think about it. If a commuter notices a billboard for personal injury assistance and then gets into an accident fifteen minutes later, who is she likely to contact?

Other great locations for ads include subway or metro cars and platforms, as well as train stations and bus stops.

5. Make the Most of Social Media

A lot of firms believe that social media isn’t “serious” or a viable form of marketing. However, it can be a valuable tool for building your reputation and engaging with clients.

If you haven’t done so already, consider setting up a Facebook or Instagram business profile.
Use these platforms to promote blog posts on your website. You can also inform your clients about personal injury and give prospective clients information about your firm.

If you do build a social media presence, be sure to stay active. Social media requires constant activity in order to sustain a reputation. Your goal is to prove to clients that your services are worth it.

Law Firm Marketing Ideas: Final Thoughts

As a personal injury law firm, you depend on a constant stream of clients. Build your reputation as a firm everyone can trust by using these key marketing techniques.

Make sure your website is serving you well as a digital marketing tool. Implement SEO to ensure your content is appearing at the top of Google search results. Don’t underestimate the power of intelligent content marketing or social media campaigns, either.

We also recommend hiring professionals when it comes to SEO, web design, and content marketing. Advertising experts can be a valuable investment when it comes to securing clients.

At Sky Tech Geek, you can find endless solutions for your digital marketing needs–including more law firm marketing ideas. Check out our additional tech resources here!

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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