HomeHome ImprovementThe Signs that You Need To Replace Your Roof

The Signs that You Need To Replace Your Roof

When it comes to replacing your roof, most homeowners think that this only has to happen when there is a leak. Leaks can be caused by a number of different issues and do not always require you to replace your roof. There are other signs according to armorservices.com that you need to know about which will tell you that you have to replace your roof.

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replace your roof

The Age of the Roof

All roofing materials will have a limited lifespan and you need to be aware of this. Most standard roofs will have a lifespan of 20 to 30 years and you need to keep track of when your roof was replaced or fitted. If your roof is reaching this age, you should look at getting it replaced even if there are no obvious problems that you can see. Figuring out who to hire for your roofing job can be a difficult decision. Check out Get Assist to get connected with qualified roofing contractors in your area.

When you reach the 20-year mark, your roof will generally have 5 to 10 years left depending on the overall condition at the time. If you are living in a development, you should take note of when your neighbors are starting to replace their roofs. This will be a sign that you should start looking into this as well.

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The Shingles Are Starting To Curl

When you notice that the shingles are starting to curl on your roof, you should look at replacing them. Of course, most homeowners do not know how to tell if the shingles on their roof are starting to curl. There are 2 ways that shingles curl and you need to be aware of this because it is a sign that your roof needs to be replaced.

The first way is through cupping which happens when the edges of the shingles are starting to turn up. The second is through clawing which is when the edges of the shingles will stay flat and the middle will start to rise. Both of these types of curling is bad and will lead to leaks.
The amount of time that your roof has left will vary depending on the extent of the shingle curling. Generally, you will have around 1 to 5 years left on your roof before you have to replace it. Once you notice curling, it is better to replace the roof before you have any other problems such as leaks.

There Are Entire Shingles Missing

If you have to replace a few shingles, you do not have to replace the whole roof. The problem comes when you have a large number of shingles missing and need to replace them. Replacing large numbers of shingles will cause mismatching of the roof as the new shingles will be a different color to the old ones.

If you have large areas of missing shingles, it will generally be better to replace the whole roof. If you are only replacing a few shingles, you need to consider when the other shingles were replaced. If you have a patchwork roof, you should replace the whole roof before you have any further issues.

The Shingles Are Cracked

As with missing shingles, a few cracked shingles will not be a major issue. You can easily replace these shingles when they become cracked. This will generally happen when there are heavy winds and they are not a sign that the entire roof has to be replaced.

The issue comes when the cracked tiles are located randomly throughout the roof. This can be a sign that you need to replace your roof because there could be other issues. If you do have multiple cracked tiles, you do not have to replace them right away. You can wait 3 to 5 years before you replace the roof, but you could face leaks and other issues which come from broken shingles.

You Are Finding Granules in The Gutter

When you are cleaning your gutters and see bunches of granules, you need to take note. However, if you have just replaced your roof, this is not actually a problem. If it has been around 10 to 15 years since you last replaced the roof, you will need to be worried. These granules will be a sign that you have a larger problem with your roof and need to replace it.

The granules on the shingles are important as they protect the asphalt of the shingle from the sun. When the granules start to fall off, your shingles are going to start baking. This will lead to the shingles deteriorating at a faster rate and your roof will have to be replaced sooner.
When you notice the granules, you will not have to immediately replace the roof. This will generally start to happen at the middle point of the lifespan of the roof. You will often have around 10 years left on the roof, but you have to be aware that it could be less.

The Shingles Are Covered In Algae Or Moss

Algae and moss covering your shingles is not actually something you need to worry about. They are not a clear sign that you need to replace your roof. However, how you treat this could impact whether or not you need to replace your roof.

If you try to take matters into your own hands and remove the moss or algae with a power washer or scraper, you will damage your roof. You are going to be removing the granules on the shingles and this will reduce the life of the roof. If you remove too much of the granules, you will render the shingles useless and the roof will need to be replaced.

If you are not worried about the look of your roof, you can leave the algae and moss on it. If you do want to remove it, you should look at washing the roof with a mixture of bleach and water. Zinc strips can also be used to eliminate this problem, but this will take longer and will have to be installed on the peak of the roof to work. If you are going to replace the roof because of this, you should look at shingles that are algae resistant.

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