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10 Photography Tips for Newbies

You can find many tips for new photographers on the Internet. But they are designed for beginners who already have at least basic knowledge. But what to do if you are a complete newbie? Below you can find some of the best Photography Tips for Newbies.

Wait For The Perfect Light

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Different lighting is suitable for different shooting conditions. Stagnant sunny days are preferable for landscape photographs with a blue sky, and gloomy wet weather is ideal for portraits of people and objects without capturing the sky. Sometimes it is worth waiting for a while for the sun to show up. You just do not have enough dynamics if the scene is not illuminated by bright sunlight. This obvious tip will dramatically increase the quality of your photos.

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Take Pictures at Different Angles

Do not get used to taking photos in one single position. Try shooting photos at different angles and make sure your next shot doesn’t look like the previous one. You do not know which angle will give you the best shot. Moving around the scene will show you the pros and cons of all positions and angles.

Learn How to Edit Photos

Almost all photographers use different photo editing tools. Using photo editors will help you achieve outstanding results and understand more about such concepts as contrast, color, light and other important elements of photography. To know which photo editing software to choose.

Keep the Camera Closer to You

Many amateur photographers hold the camera on their outstretched arms, far from the face. This can completely destabilize your whole posture and reduce the sharpness of the image. Do not move away, keep the camera close to you, while maintaining maximum stability.

Store Photos in iCloud

Always use iCloud for the photos you take. This is very useful because you always can share your files or get feedback on your photos from other people. This helps you have your every picture at your fingertips.

Manage Your Photo Library

If you are in love with photography, this means you have gigabytes of photos on your HDD. If that is the case, you are more likely to have tens of versions of the same scene and if you do nothing about that, sooner or later you will see that your hard disc is full and there is no space for another set of pictures. To avoid such situations, clean up your Mac from duplicates and keep the photo library structured.

Do Not Take All Your Gear With You

No, really. If you planned to take some photos outdoors, take only what you really need because every pound you carry will be there with you for at least a few hours. You have to be mobile and nothing should exhaust you. Also, we know camera equipment is pricey sometimes. Like lenses, different camera body, etc. So, in that case, you can rent camera equipment from a trusted source.

Control the Light From the Flash

Many cameras have super powerful flashes that generate an extensive amount of light. Sometimes this ruins the photo. But this nice trick will help you solve that problem. To solve the issue, you can use simple paper napkins. Carefully separate one layer of napkin from another and use it to cover the flash before taking a shot. Each layer of the napkin will reduce the amount of light generated and help you find the perfect balance.

To find the most favorable balance of the flash, it is better to take three shots: one with an open flash, the second one with a one-layer napkin and the third image with two layers of napkin. Just make sure you use a white napkin. Guys from Improve Photography have a great 8-minute guide about flash in photography and we really recommend you to watch it:

Use Tripod With Any Camera

It is possible to mount almost any camera on a tripod. If this applies to your camera, try to use this feature whenever you can. You will be amazed at how much the use of a tripod can improve your photos. Any vibration can blur the image, which will not happen if the camera is fixed on a tripod. And you can explore the scene and work on its composition to find the make the perfect shot.

Use Timer

For many beginners in photography, pressing a button to take a shot can create uncontrolled and undesirable swings that can lead to blurry photographs. If you use a timer, you have a few seconds to restore stability after clicking the button.

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