HomeBlog5 Awesome Veterinary Website Designs to Take Inspiration from

5 Awesome Veterinary Website Designs to Take Inspiration from

There are 1.9 billion websites on the internet. If only one-tenth of those websites are for businesses, that is still 190 million businesses competing for customers.

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A business’s website is usually the first impression a person will have of it, and with so many of them around, it is important to stand out. Veterinarians are no different.

Funny puppy with glasses in front of a laptop

Veterinarians should be more concerned with their image than typical businesses. Clients need to be assured that their beloved pets are in good hands before they hire you.

Veterinary website designs need to communicate clearly the veterinarian’s policies while being warm and open to new clients. To compete with other businesses, they must also stand out from the crowd.

To help inspire your next veterinary website design, here are 5 standout website designs!

1. Content Is Most Important

While it can be fun experimenting with layouts and structures, clients only go to websites for two things: to find information and to learn if they can trust a vet.

You don’t want to lose a potential customer because they couldn’t find what they were looking for, so make sure you put content before anything else. A good veterinary marketing campaign will also help you establish trust with clients.

Make sure everything is clearly organized, with complementary images. Keeping a website simple will lead to online success as customers engage with it more.

2. Less Is More

A background image can help distinguish your website, but it can also give users headaches. It can also be harder to manage your navigation, content blocks, and everything else since they need to compliment it.

Without carefully balancing all the different aspects of a website and ensuring they are visually appealing together, the website can drive users away. A navigation bar that is difficult to use or text that is hard to read will drive users away quicker than anything else.

3. Veterinary Website Designs are About Veterinarians

It can be great to include a blog on your website. Not only will it contribute to your SEO success, but it will also personalize your business and resonate with clients more. Some good ideas for a blog section are a best cat or dog of the month post or just a section for regular updates on the business.

Yet, you shouldn’t use the website as a platform to discuss the industry as a whole. It should just be a way to connect your business with new and continuing clients.

4. Nothing Is Worse than a Plain Website

While veterinary websites should be designed to be easy to use, that does not mean they have to be boring. Always strive to make your website beautiful!

Stylizing your website around pet-appropriate themes will help differentiate yourself from the competition and make you seem less of just a veterinarian. It will make you look more like a business that simply cares about animals.

5. Put the Important Information Upfront

This is a tip any business should follow. Users should be able to find your hours, location, contact information and services right when they first log into the website.

Otherwise, they will be less encouraged to use your services at first and may decide to go somewhere else.
The Pets are What’s Really Important
Veterinary website designs can help shape your business, but nothing is more important than performing veterinary medicine as best as you can. People trust you with their pets because they know you will take care of them.

However, a good website will establish trust early. Don’t think you need to build one alone, either. There are always organizations eager to help you get started with making a great website, and they will able to answer any questions you may have.

It’s never too early to launch your veterinary website, all you have to do is contact a designer to get started!

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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