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How to Avoid 5 Common SEM Mistakes

In the era of digital market Search Engine Marketing, or commonly known as Search Marketing, plays a crucial role. SEM is among the best ways to become visible to a broad range of potential clients specific to your business. However, it is as essential to know what works, as it is to know what doesn’t because mistakes made during SEM campaigns can be quite costly especially for small or medium sized businesses with little investment for marketing and advertising.

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sem mistakes

Search Engine Marketing has compiled a list of the most common and adverse mistakes people usually make during SEM campaigns that can be avoided to save not only a monetary investment, but also hard labor.

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The most adverse mistake people usually make during SEM campaigns is being irrelevant. During the SEM campaign, you need to be as precise as possible. You must use business related keywords or keywords related to your product or services. The more specific your website is, the better the chances are for you to reach people in search of these products or services.

Google, since its inception, has favored websites with the most relevant content. Relevant content will attract relevant people and enhance the probability of conversion.

So, to land on the first page of Google, you will need to have in-depth and unique information on the topics that are not only relevant to your business but also popular among the potential customers.

Landing Page

The first impression is the last impression. The landing page of any website plays a vital role in the conversion of the traffic. A good landing page would be easy to navigate and interesting enough for people to linger on a bit. Another fact is that most of the internet traffic nowadays is coming from smartphone and tablet users. Therefore, businesses need to modify the landing pages of their websites to make them most suitable for smartphone users.


Search Engine Marketing is a crucial aspect of your marketing campaign, and it should be treated as such. SEM is not something you initiate and let go; which many are guilty of doing.

You need to cater to it adequately. One of the essential things you need to do is regularly check analytics. You need to see if the current campaign is meeting the planned goals or not. It can be judged through proper analysis of the analytics, and beneficial adjustments can be made in the SEM campaign with the data from this analytics. Several merits such as Click-through rate and bounce rate define the success of the SEM campaign, and all should be considered while making an assessment.

Ad Extensions

It is a common mistake not to make use of the ad extensions. However, you should leverage from the ease of navigation provided by the ad extensions. Ad extensions allow the user to be directed to the desired section on your website. Some of the most widely sought pages such as featured products and contact information should be used as ad extensions.

Bidding Strategy

In the long run, quality proves to be better than quantity for bidding. Research shows that longer and more specific search terms give better results compared to common and popular terms normally used.

To make an effective bidding strategy, you need a clear goal in sight, know your competition and your budget. Furthermore, you need to make use of the available technology for the notification of your bidding strategy.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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