HomeDevelopmentHow SEO in PHP Programming Language Can Rock the Industry

How SEO in PHP Programming Language Can Rock the Industry

Personal Home Page or Hypertext Processor as it is called now is a server-side HTML based scripting language. Rasmus Lerdorf created the Programming language in the year 1994. PHP was officially launched in the market for broader use in the year 1995. For twenty-three years, PHP has still managed to stand as one of the best choices for developing the content management system.

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Programming language PHP

PHP programming language is used for developing numerous websites that are being searched with the help of SEO or Search Engine Optimization. The secret to the popularity of PHP is that it goes through frequent updates with the changing requirement and thus able to cater to the construction of the whole new webpage. In short, you can develop the mainframe of the content management system thanks to the PHP.

It is because of the PHP programming language that has given rise to numerous management systems like Joomla, Word Press and Magneto. PHP is trusted by millions of web developers, and designers worldwide for constructing the SEO managed the website. It also gave rise to the other programming framework like CodeIgniter, Symphony, CakePHP and many more.


The latest version of PHP is PHP 7 that was released on 3rd December 2015. Web developers and the content managers who want to make a career on the SEO learn PHP for its simple methodology. A study by Guttmann suggests that PHP generates more than 35 percent of the SEO based web traffic.
Guttmann also found out that around 75 percent of various kinds of website around the world have used PHP as their mainframe build up the developmental framework.

Using PHP as the web development tool will have a positive impact on the digital marketing strategy by utilizing SEO. That is because to manage the traffic of your web page; you surely need to turn your attention towards the coding of the web page.

Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization has a diverse role other than the content marketing, synonyms, and keywords. Understanding PHP will help you to grasp the technical aspects of the webpage that will give you to secret access to its success.

Developing your webpage by using PHP ensures that all your web page is visible in the search engine of all the pages. It will also provide that the bots of those search engines too will be able to see the pages.

To see how your page appears on the Google, use Fetch as Google in the Crawl section. It will help you to see if the page is really accessible to the bots of your search engine or not. You can also look at the basics of your site. Keep your page format to the PHP. Now the robots and the viewers both can adequately figure all about your page.

Amalgamating PHP and SEO

The Meta tags of PHP are an integral part of the webpage. That is because; Search Engines look for the Meta tags in your website. A web developer understands this and writes the Meta tags using the PHP language. Two components are essential in regards to the Meta tag:

Title Tag: The principal determining factor of the Search Engine ranking is the title tag of the website using PHP. The title tag gives a real hint about the topic that you have presented on your site to the search engines. You need to use the primary and targeted keywords at the beginning of the issue and in the title of the topic.

Meta Description: The search engine further determines the topic of the page by looking at the Meta description of your web page. You can combine them with the title tag to form the search snippets.

The Meta Description adds as the free snipes with the free text ad that will help you to basically fill in as a free content advertisement for your page, with catchphrases coordinating pursuit inquiries showed in intense. Having a consistent and precise Meta portrayal will enable increment to active clicking factor (CTR) and decline ricochet rate, both of which look great to web search tools and can help enhance your rank.

PHP, the best for SEO

Moving on, here are top reasons in short about why you should use PHP programming language to develop an SEO friendly web page
Speed: With regards to site improvement, speed is a standout amongst the most critical variables. A languid site is appalling, and guests consequently peruse away. The seventh adaptation of PHP is known for its speed. It is the speediest of all the accessible forms.

The usage pattern: PHP 7 returns write revelation and enable engineers to stop undesirable return logjams. This significantly enhances the code quality. PHP 7 has four new compose presentations including int, skim, boll and string. Designers can utilize them to demonstrate PHP that they are sitting tight for those qualities.

The declaration type: This is a standout amongst other highlights that are incorporated into PHP 7. It empowers engineers to import more than one class from the same namespace. The code looks cleaner and can be executed speedier. The general effect on the execution of the site is unquestionably positive. It likewise encourages designers to investigate the program speedier.

Utilizing Coding: The utilization of unknown class has been an incredible practice with JAVA and C++ engineers. The usage of such courses significantly lessens coding time. It likewise diminishes the code execution time. The site is consequently speedier and more productive.

Supporting 64-bit security: PHP now supports the 64 bit of the Windows functioning. This makes the job of the PHP handling much more efficiently and secures one.

So you can see now, in spite of its long run, PHP have a considerable portion of presence in the arena of the Search Engine Optimization. The key to successful internet marketing is a successful webpage. And you can only build up a successful website by using the PHP programming language. In this way, you can bring about a change in the strategy of your internet marketing.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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