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JAVA: Reigning IT Industry

To hire a candidate is always a crucial task for any company. The more challenging part for an HR comes when the person is not really sure about the profile, has not met the candidate before and needs to evaluate and analyse the candidate so that future assessment can be done to know if the candidate is a right fit for the job or not.

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In today’s time, demand for Java applications has increased quite a lot which eventually has increased the demand for the Java developers. To assess the candidate with a capability in this field needs to be properly made so that there is no fault in terms of hiring.

Know more about Java

It is one of the common languages in IT industry which is highly used. This computing platform is used for creating the codes that are portable for the server and even the desktop environment. In short, it helps to create the codes that can be best used for the server environment and even the desktop. In short, it creates an application and even share it to the cross platform. Java is one object oriented programming languages that comes with niche facility of time compilation.

Understanding the need of the Java Test:

Talking about the assessment, only aptitude test or personal interview is not enough. Rather, it is expected from a candidate to be quiet sure about the right pattern of profile and how the solution needs to be achieved. Today’ most of the client applications have shifted to the structure which is service based and since enterprises are moving to the cloud structure or even the mobile applications, suffice it to say that Java has continued to be a prime yet the major force that enables the technologies with the enterprises. However, the problem comes is when you wish to hire a Java developer with proven skills and that is the main reason why you must conduct a Java Test.

Conducting the test at a right time:

If you wish to hire a developer who is well aware about Java but not really sure on how to create a good quality of coding in a less span of time then you can conduct a programming test or the Java APIs. If you are looking for a developer then instead of waiting for his results through pen and paper assessment, you can ask the person for creating a solution or coming up with an efficient tool which in future can be used. For this, conducting an online test can be proved beneficial. Such type of test shall include certain frameworks which they need to show and this way you get a clear idea about the strengths and weakness of the candidate as a developer.

Things you must get an idea from:

Well, such type of test is a good platform for you to showcase the company’s expectation and rise its value in the market. To be aware of different IDEs and been the testing tools and documentation skills are quite worth to be asked. If you wish to know more about the quality software then it is important that you go through the resume of the candidate, get an idea and then create the strong questions that would give quick analysis.

Since, Java is one of the most commonly used language in every possible application of IT, you need to understand that learning it in any educations sector or getting some certification can be of any use unless the recruitment is for the fresher’s role. The concept of Java changes every year with some framework and even the build in application releases. The person is expected to have the hands on experience in the latest frameworks which needs to be considered of high importance. If you come across a candidate who has worked on J2SE5.0 released in 2004 is someone who may not be that knowledgeable to work on Java 8 that came after 10 years.

Concepts that need to be assessed:

While creating a strong form of test, you are expected to come up with some of the common concepts on which the question needs to be asked. It shall include OOP concepts, core java concepts, Inheritance, Interfaces, packages, exceptions, scope of variables, string, Unboxing, and even arrays to name a few. Topics are many but which one needs to be covered the most and which one needs to be evaluated are something that you can consult with your subject matter expert and know it clearly. After all, the concepts, trends and demand for the use of Java will keep on changing and you are expected to give your best in terms of hiring and for this, choosing a candidate with strong practical and theoretical knowledge can prove to be quite beneficial.

Whether you have a start-up or a settled company, make sure you hire a developer with a strong base of knowledge about Java. So start with your search today. Take your time and make sure you have the best team of capable people working for your business who can bring it on the time. You need to make an investment which is worth and for this, it is important for you to choose the candidate only after a careful evaluation is done. Hiring can be crucial so give it a time, make a valuable research, compare well and see the right candidate coming your way.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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