HomeBlogSigns that Indicate You are a Victim of Mobile Ad Fraud

Signs that Indicate You are a Victim of Mobile Ad Fraud

The number of ads popping up on your smartphone screen is multiplying every day. Before the advancement in smartphones, you used to get advertisements via emails. And emails you can dodge, whereas mobile app ads are harder to escape. Fraudulent companies are finding new ways every day to skim money right out of your advertising budgets. And your mobile advertising campaign is the victim.

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How Does it Work?

Your mobile ads are designed in a way that it registers every click. So, when the person on the other side clicks to view your mobile ad, you are charged for it. But with mobile ad frauds, hidden codes are placed in your ad that stimulatethe clicks with the help of spiders and bots. In simpler words, your ad is not reaching the human population but is getting the traffic from these bots and spiders.

One of the main aims of mobile ad frauds is to eliminate you as a competitor. If your ad campaign is unsuccessful, people will definitely go towards your competitor, leaving your company with questions about your ad campaign strategies and wasted money.

There are a few signs that indicate you are a victim of mobile ad fraud. Look for the following red flags:

You are Receiving Unusual Demographics

You know what kind of audience you are targeting. Did you notice that you are getting hits from a country thousands of miles away? If the answer is yes, then it may be because you are a victim of mobile ad fraud.

Unknown Publisher

Did an unknown publisher ask you to use their services for advertising? There is nothing wrong with trying out a new player, but make sure that your research is spot on perfect before making any payments. There is a chance of mobile ad fraud here.

Talk to their customers and ask for references to make sure they are legit and your budget will be protected.

Their Rates are Too Good to be True

If the rates you are getting are too good to be true, they are probably false. There could be a chance that they are scamming you. Ridiculously low rates often attract customers, but in the end, the results aren’t delivered.

Too Many Abandoned Shopping Carts

Of course, bots will not be shopping around on your sites. Even if bots are getting smarter, they are not that smart.
If the items in your shopping carts are often abandoned, you may have become a victim of mobile ad fraud.

Unusual Spike in Clicks

If you have been in the mobile ad business for a while, you must have the number of clicks down. A few thousand more clicks – your ad campaign is working. A few million more clicks – there is something shady going on.

If you notice an odd spike in clicks and no results, there is a chance of mobile ad fraud.

Lucky for you, there is a way to make sure that you don’t encounter this problem with your advertisements. App Samurai makes sure that your app is secure and reaches its target audience without any glitches or mishaps.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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