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Social Media Marketing for Business Growth

Social media is here to stay, as a business better decide to take advantage of it as much as you can. Are you aware of the exponential growth taking place in the tech sector and the way social media is growing? If not yet, pay a little attention. Time is now. Over 2 billion daily users on the social media platforms are right enough reason to take the plunge. Already your competitors have delved deeply in this game, don’t get left behind.

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Social Media Marketing for Business Growth

Social media is a great tool to increase your customer satisfaction and interact authentically. In recent research, it has been estimated that over 80% of consumers will recommend a brand if they had a pleasant experience over the social media or if they had checked the social media pages of that specific brand and found it authentic.

As a successful business your presence on Linkedin, Facebook and Twitter would be great. During the last 15 years, social media usage has skyrocketed from 5 percent to 75 percent. Over 5 million businesses use Facebook to advertise their business.

Social Advertising

Social media marketing grossed over 10 billion last year, that’s a clear indicator that social media will keep growing over the years. So don’t leave, get behind and get started as soon as you can. If you compare with TV, other electronic media or print media, social media ads are relatively low cost. Through traditional channels, you can only reach randomly to a broader audience. But Social media empowers you with the targeted audience. This way you increase your conversion rate on a more solid footing.

In social ad domain, you are empowered enough to tweak, edit and re-set your budget or redefine target audience. You don’t get this convenience in traditional marketing like billboards. In social media marketing, you can access real-time insights. You don’t have this luxury in a conventional setup.

Brand Awareness

Social media is the best place to start building your brand. Your competitors are already pivoting aggressively. Social media is the only platform that can make your brand in the shortest possible time.

How to Start?
Here are some tips:
Better find out your niche audience before you jumpstart your online marketing effort. Businesses can find their clients on Linkedin while a beauty product may get traction on Instagram or Facebook.
Well illustrated images will go a long way. Keep in mind the aesthetics of your product or service. Craft eye-catching images with well-sifted content. Well-crafted pictures and videos get maximum traction and get shared across other social platforms.

Initiate conversations with your audience, engage them in a meaningful way. One way flow of information is of no use unless people are commenting, sharing and interacting immersively. Tag, share, comment and involve users. Make them feel like stars.

Ensure measurable results, for example, use Facebook insights to get a more in-depth look. Google analytics is a great way to get started. It’s wise to keep an eye on whats working so th at you can optimize the efforts and materials more. Insight can help you build a stronger brand.
Establishing authority will lead to more sales of your product or service. To build your brand authority better be focused on your brand awareness, and customer engagement ratio. As a brand, you have to create real value to become a darling in the customers’ eye. Use quality graphics that fulfill aesthetics and come up with well-crafted solid content. User-generated content is a perfect way for the audience to relate to the content. All efforts that you will put in brand awareness will pay off in a big way in the long run.

Inbound Traffic is the way to go

Most of the businesses have already realized that inbound marketing is the only way to thrive in today’s market. Inbound marketing is the most effective way to drive traffic to your website and achieve better conversions. Otherwise, you won’t be able to thrive in this ever-changing competitive marketplace.

It’s a grand strategy to build and keep intact a blog with your brand so that people can get fresh insights about your brand or service. If you create and share content at the right time, it may multiply the impact of your brand. Effectively delivered content penetrates deeply in your niche and may bring in more Return on your investment. If your content creates value for the customers, you may win lifelong customers. Also, all those anxious customers who are searching for your industry’s keywords will end up on your platforms. Social media is a great mousetrap indeed.

Social media is one of the most effective ways to market your brand or service. You better diversify your marketing efforts. Also, utilize other channels of marketing, expand wisely, one channel of marketing may not work someday, so you need to have back up. Every single piece of content that you create is an excellent opportunity to connect with your target audience. Use different channels of communication to reach out to the diverse audience. Like if you want to reach out to a corporate client, Linkedin is a great platform to start. If you’re going to get to millennials, advertise on Facebook and Instagram and for teenagers snapshot is the way to go. In a nutshell, create enough content that will lure in more clients. Create the buzz.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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