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Small Business, Big Traffic: 4 Tips for Driving More Traffic to Your Website

Did you know that Google gets over 3.5 billion searches per day? While your site may not generate as much traffic, it doesn’t mean you should settle for less.

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From building quality links to posting original content, there are plenty of ways to increase online traffic. Some are easy to implement and will cost you next to nothing. Others require constant work, but it’s worth the effort.

Traffic to your website

Even the slightest increase in website traffic can take your business to a whole new level. You’ll gain exposure online, reach more customers, and gain higher profits.

But what does it to drive more traffic to your site or blog? Where should you invest your time and money? Let’s find out!

Why Organic Traffic Matters

First, make sure you understand why online traffic is essential for your website. As we’ve mentioned earlier, Google receives billions of searches every day. The more popular your site is, the more hits it gets.

While it’s true that you can always pay for advertising space, it doesn’t mean you should ignore organic traffic. Your website needs organic visitors.

Websites listed on the first page in search results get over 32.5 percent of all traffic. Those appearing on the second page receive about 17.6 percent of traffic. In fact, organic search drives more than half of online traffic.

If your site makes its way on the first page in search results, more people will be able to find it. Depending on your niche, any of them could be a potential customer. More traffic equals increased online exposure and higher revenue.

The best part about organic traffic is that it’s free. Sure, you might need to hire an SEO expert, a copywriter, and a web designer, but this isn’t mandatory. If you’re just getting started or your website only needs minor tweaks, you can do everything by yourself.

Paid search, on the other hand, requires constant investment; most times, it only produces temporary results. With search engine optimization, you’ll get organic traffic, lower bounce rates, and higher authority online. The choice is up to you.

Now let’s see the best ways to drive online traffic to your website or blog:

Create Quality Content

In this digital era, content is still king. What has changed is the way we deliver content online.
It’s no longer enough to cram your blog with keyword-rich posts and publish whatever crosses your mind. Your content needs to be relevant, consistent, and well-researched. Originality is a must.

More than 53 percent of customers say that free content on a topic they’re interested in influences their purchase decision. Quality content can also increase brand awareness, foster customer loyalty, and help you build authority in your niche.

Brainstorm topic ideas related to your industry. Research your competitors to see what their most popular posts look like. Create a content schedule and stick to it.

Leverage the Power of Guest Blogging

While it’s important to keep your site fresh, consider posting on other blogs too. Look for high-authority websites and blogs in your niche. Reach out to them and offer to write guest posts that appeal to their audience.

Let’s say you have an online fashion store. Make a list of fashion blogs that accept guest posts.
Even those that don’t provide this option may be willing to accept your request if you send a good pitch.

Consider lifestyle blogs and online magazines as well. Check if they have a fashion section and then come up with a few topics.

High-trafficked blogs have a loyal readership and thousands of social media fans. By submitting your guest post along with your bio and website address, you’ll reach a wider audience. If your work is interesting and engaging, their readers will click your link and check out your site.

Prioritize Link Building

The more websites are linking to your pages, the more traffic you’ll get. Plus, a strong link profile will boost your search engine rankings in the long run.

Focus on acquiring quality links from trusted sources. Guest posting is one way to do that. You can also create infographics and link-worthy videos, post them on social networks, and encourage your fans to share them.

Build relationships with other bloggers and business owners in your niche. Join Facebook groups where you can meet other industry experts. Leave helpful comments on their blogs and link to your site for more information.

Create internal links too. This way, the search bots will get a better understanding of your site and determine which pages to prioritize. This will lead to higher rankings in the search results.

Not sure where to start? Contact a digital marketing agency to help you out.

Get Social

Nowadays, social media can make or break your business. In 2015, Facebook influenced more than half of customers’ online and offline purchases – and that number has increased ever since.

Like it or not, your business needs a strong social media presence to thrive online. The more people follow you on Twitter, Pinterest, and other platforms, the more traffic you’ll get.

Use social media to share your latest blog posts, engage with your prospects, and address customers’ concerns. Post product updates and expert tips. The key is to provide value to your audience and give them a reason to choose your brand.

If your social media posts are really good, they could go viral. A viral post can generate tens of thousands of hits within hours.

Get Online Traffic the Smart Way

These are just a few of the many strategies to increase online traffic. It all comes down to your budget and marketing goals.

For best results, combine SEO, paid search, and social media marketing. Use Google Analytics or other tools to monitor your results. Determine what works and what doesn’t work – and adjust your marketing efforts accordingly.

Need help with traffic generation or social media? Perhaps you’re looking for the best ways to grow your business? Check out our other blog posts for helpful tips!

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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