HomeBlog3 Reasons Why You Should Never Ignore Marketing Stickers for Your Business

3 Reasons Why You Should Never Ignore Marketing Stickers for Your Business

With the growing popularity of digital marketing tools like SEO and PPC, some business owners have assumed there’s no need for print marketing anymore.

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This couldn’t be further from the truth. As beneficial as it is to have a high-ranking blog or invest in online ads, print marketing is still a valuable investment. Things like posters, flyers, and stickers can help you get your audience’s attention in a fun, creative manner.

The trick is to know how to use these things to build the brand awareness you’re looking for. Before you get into all that, though, you need to understand why something as “simple” as a stack of marketing stickers is so important.

Here are 3 reasons why you need to invest in sticker marketing right away.

sticker marketing

1. Stickers Are a Unique Conversation Starter

If you go to a lot of conferences and trade shows throughout the year, you can’t show up empty-handed. It’s smart to have some sort of promotional item with you. But, things like company pens and lanyards aren’t very original.

You want something that stands out and gets people’s attention as they walk by. Stickers do that! All you have to do is stand in front of your booth and offer a free sticker to people who pass you. You’d be surprised how many of them stop and give you the time of day instead of brushing you off or barely paying any attention.

The stickers get the conversation going – and they can do this even when you’re not interacting with customers in person. Send a thank-you sticker the next time you get a purchase from a new customer or a stellar review from a long-time user. This can really make their day and strengthen your professional bond with them!

2. They Show Off Your Fun Side

Whenever you invest in any kind of marketing, you want it to be as on-brand as possible. If you have a fun, hip team who’s willing to take risks and come up with big ideas, you need marketing stickers.

Stickers are fun. They’re a chance to be a little more creative with your branding than you’d normally be, and they allow for all kinds of unique placement opportunities. You can put a sticker on the back of your event lanyard or on the center of your computer.

Either way, it’s bound to turn heads for all the right reasons.

3. Exposure, Exposure, Exposure

Speaking of where you put a sticker, think about all the exposure just one marketing sticker can offer your company. When you hand a sticker to someone at a trade show or give it to a person on your staff, you’re sharing your brand with them and the people they know, too.

All it takes is one person putting your sticker on their bag for everyone at the event to notice your brand. Similarly, if your staff member puts it on their water bottle or even on their car, what they’re really doing is introducing the brand to a huge number of people every day.

Marketing stickers give you continuous exposure. That alone is reason enough to invest in sticker printing right away.

Design the Best Marketing Stickers Ever

The better the design is for your marketing stickers, the better their overall success will be. Put some serious time and effort into this.

Don’t just slap your company logo on a sticker and call it a day. Find ways to make the logo/name stand out and be more interesting than they already are.

For a bit of design inspiration to help you do that, click here.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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