HomeAndroid5 Industries that are Revolutionized by Android Apps

5 Industries that are Revolutionized by Android Apps

Amidst all the developments in technology that are taking us to complete digital transformation, apps have been disrupting business models, ushering in convenience cost effectively. No one would have even imagined aggregators without infrastructure growing into giant slayers, powered by apps. Industry has now recognized the need for elevating business operations through android app development.

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Apps have more or less become standard business requirements, leveraging powerful technologies to deliver solutions. Here is a look at five industries that have been revolutionized by android apps.

Android app

Hospitality industry

OTAs (Online Travel Agencies) now account for 39% of online bookings in the US. And most of the popular travel aggregators engage patrons through apps, offering discounts, updates, information, bundled offers and a lot more that have made travel a lot more economical. On the sidelines of OTAs capturing market share, there has been value addition to services by hotels and resorts. Customers are now treated to VR and AR experiences by hotels at the time of checking out facilities and bookings, which takes the patrons closer to the booking confirmation stage. Not only are apps making it convenient to book tickets, apps are becoming a powerful channel to market services to prospects.

Ride hailing apps

A list of apps that have transformed industry will actually be considered incomplete if it does not include ride hailing apps. Uber is credited with ushering in the revolution of ride hailing apps and presently ride hailing apps are used in almost 171 nations, with Uber dominating in 102 countries. The apps have undergone various improvements over the years and are now at a stage where every conceivable option is available. You can hail a cab, pay digitally, pay by cash, rate the driver, check out routes, share a cab, choose your cab, in fact ride hailing apps are now the very last word in road travel. The cost to make an app is not only reasonable for taxi operators and logistics companies, it offers incredible ROI while adding value to the operations.

Fitness and health care

More and more individuals globally are now taking fitness goals seriously. While the need to stay fit or turn fit is more of a requirement that is influenced by other health and medical reasons, technology has transformed the manner in which individuals achieve the goals. Without exception, individuals involved in fitness activities have always wanted to be aware of the milestones that they have achieved. A fitness conscious individual would always want to be aware of the achievements of a session. And apps not only offer options to measure the achievements, it helps to intelligently lay down goals for individuals. There is quite nothing like a challenge in fitness and apps are achieving this with discretion and dignity, permitting individuals to meet their fitness goals through simple apps on their smartphones that work either as standalone devices or in tandem with specialized devices.

Banking and Mobile Wallets

As far as greater reach and common use is concerned, nothing can ever beat the advantages that have been rolled out by apps that have redefined banking. It is now possible to securely make a transaction and pay all utility bills without having to fill a form or stand in a queue. As time becomes more and more valuable, individuals find it convenient to transact through smartphones. And mobile wallets are the icing on the cake, giving users the flexibility to make payments anywhere and instantly. It is now possible to contribute for a cause, without having to go to a bank. This has helped individuals to fulfill all their requirements without having to spend an extra moment.

Food, dining and takeouts

Among the first disruptors in the food industry were fast food services that offered patrons the convenience of placing orders over the phone and getting the same delivered. Apps have opened the floodgates, and have now made it possible for diners to choose their food, make table reservations, order online, convey specific preferences, plan surprise parties, avail discounts and try out exotic dishes.

It is now possible for patrons to know about specific dishes of interest, to learn of interesting nuggets of information about a recipe and try out a dish at home with the power of apps. The hotel industry has never had it better before, with operations being streamlined – from the placing of orders, billing, KOT, delivery and table booking – literally every aspect of a restaurant’s operations have now been positively impacted through.

Apps have changed the ecosystem with a new narrative. Businesses are now finding it more convenient to offer their services to customers, in a more cost effective manner, while customers find it easier to avail services and purchase products easily. Business of almost all sizes will find it easier to build an app to handle part of their operations or all of their operations that can be integrated with their processes seamlessly.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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