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7 Ways to Build Your Own Digital Marketing Company

A decade ago, many businesses looked at SEO firms to drive traffic to their websites. While these companies are still in the business, you need to realize that it is crucial to hire a digital marketing agency to give you more services. While many firms know that they require a steady content flow to attract and keep customers, it can be a tough task for many. If you want to start your content marketing firm, then this post is there to help you. You can get strategies that will help you become different in the market.

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Define your niche

Most B2B firms are using content marketing and the competition among content marketing firms is fierce. When you are known as an expert in your niche, competition will be less severe. In the place of being a general agency, put your focus on one industry. Offer specialized content services to businesses in your niche. Specialized content services are in demand in niches like construction and dentistry.

Provide different services for each budget

When starting out, providing a range of services is essential. You will get clients that are hands-on and need guidance with content strategy. Others will want to hire a digital marketing agency for content developing, marketing, and marketing. Remember that smaller firms will want to test waters before taking a bigger package. Come up with DIY packages for small businesses that do not want a big financial risk. The services you need to consider are email marketing, web tracking and analytics, social media marketing, content creation, and promotion.

Consider the path of consulting

In case you prefer strategy over daily content marketing tasks, then consulting may be your option. While an SEO company may be hands-on, consultants put their focus on strategizing, planning, and recommendations. Being a consultant means not being involved in particular tasks that relate to creation, promotion, and distribution of content. You can advise firms on best practices, and help them come up with a strategy that will set you apart from your competitors.

Use content to market your business

If you are after establishing yourself as a content marketing expert, you need to show potential clients that you understand what you are doing. The right way for doing this is by becoming a content leader in the niche. It means producing stellar content regularly, being present on social media actively, and building your email list. Your prospects will see you when your influence grows in the space of content marketing.

Decide whether to use freelancers or in-house employees

This is a great decision you will have to make. There are many successful organizations that have done this. Therefore, it comes down to what will function for your situation. In case you are going to use freelance editors and writers, it is recommended to invest in lengthy relations. Training takes patience and time, and entails additional involvement. Utilizing the same writers for your project will ensure consistency in writing voice and style. While in-house employees are costly, they are a great addition to the team as you continue growing. Having reliable editors and writers will reduce your turn around time and help you meet deadlines.

Build your testimonials and case studies

Each industry has bad seeds and content marketing is not different. So as to reduce the risk a prospect has when he wants to hire a digital marketing agency, maintain a page or document that is dedicated to successes of content marketing. Make sure you include case studies showing long-term results and client KPIs which have been met. Provide details on ROI calculations and testimonials from clients. Have a portfolio on the site so that prospective clients can see the whole content you can produce. You also have to include videos, info graphics, and blog posts and links to ongoing projects.

Differentiate yourself with personal market research and data

While there is so much content being produced each day, a small fraction is unique and original. When building your SEO Company to become a leader, consider producing quality content based on data and research. The best way is conducting a personal research is crucial either with clients or independently. You can use one survey for different pieces of contents like info graphics, social media posts, white papers, and blog posts.


There is no best time to be in the industry of content marketing. Whether you have plans of specializing in content marketing or provide it as an additional service to your services, the above tips will help your SEO company great success chances.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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