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Adopting The Right Social Media Marketing Strategies for an Improved User Engagement and ROI

It is always great to successfully complete an app development process – i.e. build an app from scratch to finish. However, it is important to note that no app developer can claim to be successful in the industry without adopting effective marketing strategies to maximize their mobile app development skills. In fact, a developer can end up achieving nothing – even after creating an awesome app – if the right marketing skills are not put in place.

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Just to let you know, people (developers) no longer build apps and just leave them on their own to fend for themselves on app stores. Not everyone is ready to take the time to search and browse the app store to discover your mobile application. As a matter of fact, you can’t only rely on using app store optimization (ASO) as your only means of positioning your app. While this can be relatively helpful in getting an app ranked, of what importance is it when you don’t get your desired number of new downloads.

This is why most people go extra lengths these days to get their amazing apps into the hands of the consumer. And one of the most common and effective means of reaching out to prospective consumers is by establishing an active social media presence. Just so you know, many developers and development agencies are already using this channel as a means of marketing their products by reaching out to their target audience themselves.

Why social media?


Generally, the act of promoting products on social media is simply referred to as social media marketing. It deals with the process of creating an active presence on various social media platforms. Aside from being very effective at reaching out to people, the use of social media to advertise products has been widely accepted due to its ease of use and cost-effective nature. This is why many enterprises and individuals seem to be very much comfortable using social media to get mobile users to download their mobile application.

Social media marketing is so powerful that it can be adopted by anyone to rejuvenate sales for an old unpopular product and also boost revenue for a newly launched brand. Even when the app is still in its early stages of development, mobile app development companies can still leverage social media marketing to get more downloads and drive better ROI. But there are still more to this.

Enterprises can use social media to not only build and expand their customer base but they can also employ it as an effective marketing channel to get existing users to spend more time using their mobile application. Ultimately, there is no better way to achieve higher conversions and greater ROI than this. For those who are just planning the use of social media as a veritable form of digital marketing, here are some helpful ways by which you can adopt this strategy to your own advantage.

Start in time

There is no need to wait until you have written the last code and completed the final app development process before adopting a marketing strategy to promote your app. In fact, you can start now to do promotions even if you are still in the early stages of the development process. Whether you like it or not, there is no better time than now to use social media platforms for app marketing. You can start promoting your app on social media even if it is not yet finished. Basically, you should be focusing on building hype for your application.

To achieve this, you will need to create and upload attractive pictures of the app on your social platform. Ultimately, you should be using this medium to create awareness about your app launch and providing your users with credible information and insights as to what they stand to gain while using your app. You can also upload infographics, short video clips, and content on your preferred social media platform as it helps to give your existing and prospective users a better understanding of what the app stands for.

Run promotions

Unlike startups, it is much easier for many existing businesses to run promotions on their social media accounts. This is because they’ve already had an established profile and a formidable consumer database. Nevertheless, this doesn’t mean that new businesses cannot use their preferred social media platforms to run app promotions and succeed. Of course, they can. All that they need to do is to adopt the right strategy and follow the right direction.

First and foremost, it is needful to set up a veritable profile on your desired social platform. Remember, it is not what (social media platform) you are comfortable with that matters but where (social media platform) your target audience is located. No matter how best you apply these strategies. You can’t achieve any meaningful results if your target audience is active on one social media platform and you are using another to promote your app.

You are free to create your profile on any social platform including Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, Whatsapp, etc. But it’s best to establish yourself on platforms where you have an active audience. You shouldn’t just focus on getting as many followers as possible but it’s also important to have a better convertible audience. The more the platforms involved, the more your chances of gaining better exposure and reaching your target audience.

You can attract more followers and even boost your conversion rate by providing interesting and informative content. You need to make your followers understand why they need to follow you. So, try as much as possible to engage with them by carrying them along through every step of the way. Note that an app that has little or nothing at all to contribute to the life of its users will receive no meaningful attention. So, the onus lies on you (the developer) to ensure that you make your existing and prospective users know what they stand to get while using the app.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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