HomeBlogHow the Revolutionary Phenomenon of IoT Will Impact Our Daily Lives

How the Revolutionary Phenomenon of IoT Will Impact Our Daily Lives

We all know the IoT revolution is just around the corner and it will impact the industries around us sooner rather than later. From the automobile industry to the health industry, the Internet of Things will take over almost every industry, but the question how will it impact the daily of an ordinary man? In the coming years we will see even more devices get connected to the internet, devices we wouldn’t have once thought would. This connection will enable them to share data with each other which would contribute to making our houses ‘smart homes’.

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More and more tech companies are now joining hands in the making appliances and devices that are compatible with IoT; everyone knows this is the next step forward regarding both technology and lifestyle. Each day a new smart device is unveiled, and this trend wouldn’t stop soon. Listed below are some of the changes the IoT will bring to our daily life. Some of these are obvious, while others are surprising and even ‘scary’ as categorized by some!



A smart IoT car would never let you go a day over the mandatory oil change date. Your vehicle will contact the mechanic by its self and notify him that your oil change date is nearing. It will get a time and date from the mechanic and put those details in your calendar. It will even take care of the fact that the time and date of your visiting the mechanic doesn’t coincide with any of your other scheduled meetings or tasks already listed on the calendar. More useful than scary, right?


Would you not love a device that when, according to your prescription, the tablets are going to end and will automatically contact the doctor to set a time and date for the next checkup? With the help of these IoT enabled devices, your doctor will even be able to know if you’re taking medicine according to schedule or not. Patients with health issues such as heart diseases and sugar will be able to transmit health data to their doctor from the comfort of their homes.

Lower Electricity Bills

Spending on an IoT device will mean lowering your costs such as your electricity bills. The appliances in your home will adjust themselves based on our usage and decide when to stay idle or consume less energy causing your electricity bill to reduce significantly.

If you use an iPhone, the new iOS now gives you an option to delete but keep the data of apps you haven’t used since a specified period. This saves you some much-needed storage space. Consider IoT’s learning patterns to be similar. IoT enabled devices will learn from your habits and increase/decrease temperatures, turn off/on lights according to your schedule.

Alarms Will Go off Early

Don’t be alarmed! Your clocks won’t just go off at 7 AM instead of 8 for no reason. In case there is a weather condition or blockage on your way to work, the alarm will go off early so you can get up on time, familiarize yourself with the situation and act accordingly. Imagine running late from office on a rainy day and running down to the kitchen to find your coffee machine already in motion. All this and more can be possible with interconnected smart devices thanks to the Internet of Things.

Smart Watches, Fitness Trackers & More

From Apple Watches to other fitness trackers, wearables always have excited users. Many products are in the third and even fourth phase and are bringing out more and more useful features. For instance, the latest Apple Watch is the first smart device that can take ECG ratings. These intelligent devices are capable of tracking your sleep patterns, keeping a record of your workouts and connecting to your social media accounts. Technology is advancing at the speed of light, and these devices will be able to even more in the coming years.

Don’t Miss – How Can Telecom Industry Alter Your IoT Experience?

With the growing number of IoT devices, the data transferred to the marketers will also increase. It will be essential for these marketers to ensure users that their data will only be used when needed. With IoT, the control of not only your house but of your life will be in the palm of your hand in the form of a smartphone.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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