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How to Sit in a Chair at Work All Day (And Not Suffer Crippling Back Pain)

Sitting down all the time is, quite literally, killing us. Physical inactivity contributes to an astonishing 3.2 million deaths per year in the US. The average American sits for 12 hours a day.

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While death is pretty bad, it won’t affect everyone that leads a sedentary life. But there is something that will affect most people who sit all day. That is pain. Whether you suffer from back, neck, shoulder pain or even headaches, sitting all day could be the culprit.

The trouble is, with technology and the shift to office work, many people don’t have much choice. They have to sit all day for work. However, if you learn how to sit in a chair properly you can avoid some of the side effects of sitting.

Let’s look at how to do it!

Check Your Posture

The primary problem with sitting all day is that most people don’t do it right. Slumping, slouching, being hunched over and leaning for long periods cause muscle strain.

Plus, the muscles that are supposed to support your spine and maintain proper spine position and health become weak. Weak muscles lead to tension, pain, and eventually health problems.

You can, however, avoid all that simply by sitting correctly.

Your Back

It will be easier to maintain the proper spine position while sitting if you have an idea what it looks/feels like.

Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, with your arms relaxed and hands hanging loosely by your sides. Make sure that your shoulders are back and in line with your hips and heels. Pick a neutral point at eye level, look straight ahead and relax.

Have a friend snap a side profile picture. If you did it right (and don’t already have serious back problems) you should notice how your spine gently curves. You want to maintain that curve sitting down.

Start by choosing an ergonomically designed chair. This will provide your lower back with support and help maintain that gentle curve. While you can improve your posture without an ergonomic setup it will be far easier with one so consider investing in the right equipment.

Adjust the height so your feet can be flat on the floor with your knees in line with your hips. If you can’t adjust the chair, consider putting a block on the floor to rest your feet on.

Sit down, thinking about that same position you had when you were standing. Sit up tall with your shoulders back and over your hips. If you feel your lower back could use more support, try tucking a small pillow or towel into the small of your back.

Voila! You are now sitting in the correct position.

If you have sat improperly for a long time, the muscles for sitting properly may be weak. Thus, they may fatigue quickly.

But keep at it! The more you sit correctly, the more you’ll strengthen those muscles and it will feel natural again. Use your unnatural back pain disappearing as motivation to stick with it.

Your Neck and Shoulders

It’s not enough to just have your back in the correct position, you also need to concentrate on your neck and shoulders. Sitting with proper posture in your lower back sets you up well, but without the icing on the cake you could still suffer neck pain and headaches.

It is common to see folks who work at a computer rounding their shoulders as they lean or reach for their keyboard. You may also see them cradling a phone between their ear and shoulder.

Do this for a few hours a day and you’re asking for a huge pain in the neck.

Instead, focus on keeping everything in proper alignment. Place your keyboard where you can type with your elbows at your side and in line with your shoulders. Your forearms should be relaxed and at a 90-degree (or slightly wider) angle to your upper arm. Put the monitor at slightly below eye level so you can look ahead comfortably.

If you spend a lot of time on the phone, invest in a headset or another hands-free method that doesn’t involve your shoulder.


Good posture is the majority of the battle for beating back pain from sitting. But your body will still get tired. To further promote spine health take regular breaks from sitting.

This may sound strange as most people sit down to take a break. But your body was designed to move and needs to for optimum health.

Get up and walk around for 5-10 minutes every hour or so that you’re sitting. It doesn’t have to be much. Take a bathroom break or refill your coffee mug. You get extra points if you go for a stroll outside on your lunch break. You’ll also feel much more refreshed and ready to tackle your afternoon workload.

Desk Exercises

There are also a few simple exercises you can do at your desk to help out your spine. Lace your fingers together behind you and stretch your arms out behind you as far as you can.

Tilt your head from side-to-side to stretch your neck and do a couple neck rolls while you’re at it. Gently roll your shoulders and loosen up that tension you feel.

Do a minute or two of exercises every 30 minutes. You’ll be amazed how those few seconds will make you feel more energized and productive throughout your day.

Read more here about other exercises you can do during your lunch break or workouts to help prevent back injuries.

Now You Know How to Sit in a Chair

Bet you didn’t know that you didn’t know how to sit in a chair. You wouldn’t think it’s that difficult. However, anything that you do for hours a day must be done correctly or it will have a negative effect on your body.

Try implementing these tips today and notice the difference. Within a short time, you should feel less back pain and more productive at work.

For more great health tips, be sure to check out the health portion of our blog!

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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