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Hunting Down The Mythical High-Quality Code

Technology is an absolutely integral part of our day to day lives. Most of us work on computers and use a variety of different apps. In fact, billions and billions of apps are downloaded every year and have a wide range of usages.

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However, this type of technology and the way we use it simply wouldn’t be possible if it wasn’t for code and the talented programmers who write and create it. Unfortunately, not all code is created equally. Some code is of a high quality, while some most certainly are not. So how can you tell the difference between good, high-quality code and code that is of a low quality?

hunting down the mythical code

With that in mind, this article is going to take a look at what makes code “high-quality”, so you can always tell the good from the bad. Of course, these aren’t the only aspects of good and high-quality code but are among the most important.

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The Clarity of the Code

First of all, in order for the code to be of high quality, it needs to be clear. This involves ensuring that other people, not only the creators of the code, can understand the way it is written. If the code is impossible to oversee for others, it simply cannot be classified as high quality.

Also, the easier the code is to understand for a variety of people, the easier it is to maintain and extend over a period of time. This can make it much simpler to grow, and having a clear code can be a godsend when bringing new developers into a project.

The code needs to be easily understandable by both humans and computers alike. While the overall act of coding can be complex to some, it is very important that your code itself is clear because if not, it is going to struggle to be viable.

The Validity and Correctness of the Code

Of course, a high-quality code needs to be correct and valid. The code needs to perform the function it was created to do. Now, it is possible that a code will work for certain parts of a function, and seem like it’s correct, but if it doesn’t do exactly everything it’s supposed to, there is a problem.

As a result, when writing code, be sure to perform a ton of testing to ensure it is valid and written correctly. If not, it could potentially cost you a ton of time, energy and resources to fix it later on or even have to completely rewrite it.

The Stability of the Code

Next, the code needs to be stable if it is to be considered high quality. If not, how it handles errors and other issues might be a little dicey. For example,if a code is not stable, it could respond poorly to errors and could unfortunately corrupt all of the data. While it would be perfect if errors didn’t occur, they do, so we need to ensure our code is stable enough to handle our specific error management techniques.

While you could manually search through code to see how stable it is and if it is prone to errors and how it would respond to error management, that simply isn’t very viable or realistic. Instead, automatically scanning your code for errors and to ensure it is stable is often the way to go.

In conclusion, we hope that this article has been able to show you a few of the different factors that made certain code higher quality than others. Writing high-quality code could potentially be more labor intensive than low-quality code, of course, but is well worth the extra work.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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