HomeBlogWhy You Should Install a Key Less Lock On Your Door

Why You Should Install a Key Less Lock On Your Door

For many homeowners, ensuring that their home, family and belongings are safe can be a challenge therefore quality door locks are necessary to keep out unauthorized guests. For commercial and residential property owners looking for more control over their property, the key less door lock takes convenience, function and security to a whole new level. Nothing is worth jeopardizing the safety of your home, family or belongings which is why these smart locks utilizing digital technology to grant access are ideal to ward off intruders. Using key less door lock means that you will not have to worry about carrying your house keys around and losing them in the process as you will be granted better access control without even the need for a spare key.

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How Do Key Less Door Locks Work

While the key less lock system was initially designed to be used for cars, the same working mechanism has been used on home doors and is very successful. You can enter your home several ways, such as by entering an access code into the lock’s keypad that then allows you to use the door handle, use of an access card or badge, fingerprint scanner, retina scan, or through a remote control. More advanced technologies allow the use of a smartphone app to gain access to the inside of your home.

Improved Security

One of the main reasons why most homeowners as well as business owners may want to upgrade their existing locks to a keyless lock system is to enhance their security. The key less system does not require any key which eliminates the chances of losing your keys or your keys falling into the wrong hands. With the key less door locks only those with the access code can gain entry into your property. The access code is made up of alphabetical or numerical combination programmed into the door lock for improved security.

Initially, having an extra key for everyone in the home was an inconvenience as anyone could lose the key but key less door locks eliminate this issue thus creating a more practical and secure solution for your home. The key less door locks are also pick-proof reducing the risk of intruders or unwanted guests accessing your home. With key less systems, you can easily delete and change the access code for better security considerations especially when you need to give someone temporary access to your home or office. You can change or delete the code from the system once the access is no longer required which is ideal for homes with contracted workers or shared offices.

Extra Convenience

Most people leading busy lifestyles are looking for convenient ways to live an easy and care-free life hence no one wants to carry a bunch of keys around. However, thanks to improved technology, you can have a peace of mind as you will not have to worry about the security of your home with the key less door lock technology. This is a smart investment for most people looking for extra convenience and an added ease to their lifestyles.
The key less lock also prevents you from ever getting locked out of your home since each member of the family has a unique access code to gain entry into the home.

This ease also comes with better control since the key less door locks provide a faster and more secure way to access your home or office unlike the traditional key locks which can compromise the security of your home or office. The smartphone technology also allows you to link your key less door lock to your smartphone which allows you to grant temporary access since you can be able to unlock the door from anywhere. You can then use the same smartphone app to lock the door with just a simple click of a button when the access is no longer required.

A common challenge among most homeowners is how to handle multiple users especially for larger families but the key less door locks allow different access codes to be assigned to each and every person within the home. A tracking system can be applied to monitor who comes in or goes out if necessary. This is what specifically makes key less door locks a better security option for commercial and residential use. These locks will also save you a lot of time and money since you will not require regular services of a locksmith to change locks after a security breach. Changing and deleting the codes or combinations is extremely easy as you do not need special software to do this. Key less door locks are easy to install, setup and use.

How to Choose the Right Key Less Door Locks

Key less door locks are different each with its own unique set of features thus it is important to consider your security needs when choosing key less door locks. There are some key less door locks that can be accessed via pink codes and can be electrical or battery powered. However, if you decide to utilize a smartphone app to access your home or office, it is important to consult with your locksmith in order to know whether the app comes with auto-lock settings, built-in alarms or whether they can keep a record of daily comings and goings. Since each and every product comes with its own unique features, you will need to choose the one that best suits your needs.

It is important to consider whether you are upgrading your locks to improve the aesthetics of your home or office or you are simply looking for a better security solution. If you decide to go for the remote-controlled key less door lock, you will also need to consider the number or remotes you need. Another critical factor to keep in mind is whether you need an electrical lock system or a battery-powered system.

Note that the security of your home or office can still be compromised even with a key less lock system if the quality of your doors is wanting. For instance, if your front or back door is made from poor quality materials or has worn out hinges, intruders can still gain access by breaking the door open. Ensure that you upgrade your doors by replacing them with those made from metal or solid wood.

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