HomeSocial MediaHow to Succeed on Social Media Sites: Importance of Metrics

How to Succeed on Social Media Sites: Importance of Metrics

As we all know, there are many social media sites. What many would like to know is how to succeed on these networks. If you are have browsed the internet for this, you will find a multitude of opinions, advice, techniques, and suggestions. However, there is always a topic that is not treated much: the importance of metrics to achieve success on Social Media.

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If your purpose is to succeed on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube or whatever network crosses your mind, do not worry. In this post, you will learn the basic aspects that you should not neglect when entering and measuring results on these networks.
social media marketing

What You Need To Know About The Importance Of Metrics

You have to measure and monitor some metrics on these networks to consider if you are making progress. They are important to your online presence, and they include:

• Followers: Number of users that make your community.

• Scope: Number of unique accounts or profiles that sees your post.

• Impressions: Number of visualizations that is obtained.

• Interactions: Number of times that actions such as “share,” “like” or comments take place.

Before describing the characteristics and importance of the metrics on the most popular social networks, you should know that the way to measure strategies on Social Media differs considerably from other marketing strategies.

Metrics on Facebook

Measuring your presence on Facebook is vital, given that it is the network with the greatest impact in the context of a social media strategy. First, this platform gives you an informative email about the performance of your page. Through Facebook Insight, you will get monthly statistics regarding this data. It also allows you to download them in Excel or CSV format. Some of the metrics that you can include:

1. Users

• Likes

• Followers

• Visits to the “landing page.”

• Demographic characteristics of the users.

2. Interactions

• Entries to the page/profile of your company.

• Posts on the page/profile of other users.

• Comments and answers of the different users.

• The number of likes of posts.

• The number of likes in the comments and responses.

3. Other

• Contact through Facebook forms.

• Subscription or cancellation of the subscription to sponsored newsletters on Facebook.

• Exchange of coupons sponsored by Facebook.

• Application for URL shortening.

Metrics on Twitter

This is a very effective channel for interacting with clients, potential customers or developing actions aimed at branding. To measure the reach of your posts, Twitter has a series of tools that will allow you to optimize your shared content.

• Tweetchup: Provides an analytical report of the account, in quantitative and percentage form within a certain period. Two unique features of this tool are its “Profiles” and “Keywords” windows. The first allows you to obtain data on how other companies use the network. For its part, “Keywords” presents graphics related to keywords.

• TweetReach: This tool reveals the scope of a Twitter account or a particular tweet and also, the exhibition of the same in the timeline of the followers, number of retweets, or most popular tweets.

• TweetStats: Provides statistics about the behavior of different accounts on the network. For example, the frequency of publication, time of permanence, etc.

• TwitterCounter: Graphically quantify the evolution of your presence on Twitter. Also, it projects the future scope you could achieve.

• Fakers: Identifies real and “fakes” (false or users bots) followers. With this, it will be easy for you to discover the authenticity of your followers’ commitment.

On the other hand, there are other methods to measure your impact on Twitter without using these tools, and they are basically:

1. Reach:

• Followers or Vanity Metric: It is very simple and relatively useful. Although it is good to increase followers, this is not synonymous with success for a brand.

• Followers of your followers: Indicates your actual reach, that is, the potential number of people that your tweet can reach.

2. Relevance:

• RT’s: Indicates the relevance of your content. The more retweets you get, the better.

• Interaction: Quantify comments and responses on your posts.

• Mentions: A splendid way to measure your relevance. You only have to post notifications for the platform.

• CTR in links: Much more important than RT is that your followers click on the links you share. If they do not click on your links, you may need to review your strategy. Twitter Analytics and other tools provided by mobile app development companies can help you.

Metrics on YouTube

The KPI (Key Performance Indicators) will depend on the goals you have set for your campaign on YouTube. These indicators give you useful data to know the performance of a strategy. An important recommendation is not to base the success or failure of your campaign on the number of views you get if your goals are going commercial. In this case, clicks, calls, and records will be important KPI.

To observe how your KPI is measured, you can use the same Adwords platform in Video Campaigns and also Google Analytics linked to the Adwords account, or YouTube Analytics.

Metrics on Instagram

Knowing exactly what you should measure on Instagram is a key factor to succeed on social networks. You’ll find the metrics on Instagram Analytics.

1. Number of followers

The number of users that follow you is an indicator of your activity on the platform. Discover the proportional relationship of your posts and the number of interactions.

2. Engagement

The second step is to compare the number of likes and comments with the number of followers. Divide the average number of likes and comments by the number of followers. This will be the percentage of engagement. Check these data regularly to know the fluctuations.

3. Hashtags

Regarding hashtags as importance metrics, there are three factors to consider:

• Monitoring: Tagboard, is an effective tool to monitor your hashtags. Even though having a hashtag associated with your brand is very important, so is the name of your brand as a hashtag itself. Think that users might be talking about you without you noticing. Mobile app development companies can provide you with the necessary tools for monitoring.

• Interaction: Measuring the hashtags that obtained a better interaction is the second factor to consider.

• Competition: This is the third factor to consider. If you use specific hashtags for your business, it is very likely that your competitors may be using them as well. You should contact mobile app development companies for tools to spy on your competitors.

4. Posts calendar: As the last metric on Instagram, the right time to upload your content has considerable relevance. Union Metris is a tool that will give you suggestions to optimize your post calendar.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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