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There’s An App for That: How Your Favorite Tech Can Be Your Ultimate Personal Growth Hack

For decades, technological advancements were heralded for their contributions to modern society. From our first step on the moon in July of 1969 to the first smartphone, technology has been responsible for everything from medical advancements to helping us connect with friends and loved ones across the globe.

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Thanks to technology (and a team of selfless developers) there’s even an app designed to help civilians avoid undetonated anti-personnel landmines that were placed in Colombia during their 50 years of conflict. Technology has saved countless lives over the years, however, in recent years, the conversation about technology has begun to change.

Hand pressing Personal Development on blurred cityscape background
Hand pressing Personal Development on blurred cityscape background

Lately, technology has been getting a bit of a bad reputation. The smartphones that once inspired us with endless learning potential are beginning to run our lives and the automation that makes our daily purchases cheaper is beginning to steal jobs away from actual humans.

While many are quick to demonize technology, we believe that changing the way we interact with it is the ultimate key to personal growth. Read on to learn more about apps that can inspire you to become your best self IRL.

Life Hacks: Getting (and Staying) Inspired

Lacking motivation? There’s an app for that.

While it can be easy to lose focus to find oneself stuck on habits that limit our own productivity, gaining access to new perspective is easy in free.

In the nineties, popular motivational speakers were accessible only through audio tapes, radio interviews, and ticketed workshops. (Remember that early nineties classic Tony Robbins’ “Awaken the Giant Within”?)

Today many of the most gifted speakers are sharing their greatest insights for free. The TED app is a great example of just how much knowledge is available to the public for free and available on both Google Play and the iTunes App Store.

That’s right. Every high school student who wants to learn about the sociological impact of cultural judgments or the science of body language can do so for free. Looking to get out of a 9 to 5 job that feels more soul-stealing than breadwinning? Listen to some of the world’s most innovative entrepreneurs talk about the steps they took to dominate their field. (Then check out our article on how you can increase your online conversions.)

True to their slogan, the TED app is the perfect source for “ideas worth spreading”.

Back to School: Apps to Help You Never Stop Learning

Looking to add to your educational opportunities? Don’t fret if the library isn’t really your thing.

There’s a host of apps to choose from including courses from many top universities. The best part? You don’t have to worry about applying for financial aid, these courses and lectures are available for free from iTunes U.

Short for iTunes University, iTunes U provides Apple users with free college courses. These courses will not get you free college credit, however, they will give you access to much of the same information that college students are racking up thousands of dollars in debt for.

You can even find narrated versions of classic novels on the iTunes platform and yes, that’s free too. If you’re looking for a book that isn’t available for free, it doesn’t mean you have to leave the comfort of your home.

Your local library card may help you gain access to an app like Libby, which is designed to help you find the book you’re looking for free of charge. Audiobooks are also available through the Libby app.

Libby’s audiobook rentals exist much like the standard library although you may have to join a waitlist before accessing them.

If it’s enlightenment you seek, you may even consider enrolling in the Avatar course. For more info on how you can further your journey towards your best life.

For Makers, Creators, and the “Creative Adjacent”

Looking to add a specific talent to your skill set? Follow your passion and enroll in one of many app-based classes that provide the learning modules and video explanation you need to discover your hidden calling.

While some classes only become available with an active app subscription, others are available for purchase individually. Classes are available to cover every topic from side hustles (Amazon FBA, Social Media Management, Photoshop Retouching, Blogging, or Web Site Design) to career worthy ambitions like photography, business branding, and coding.

If you’re looking for something to inspire creativity, consider the YouTube App. YouTube creators are responsible for making a world of possibilities available by answering the simple question, “How Did They Do That?”.

While YouTube itself is free, YouTube does offer a premium service which allows you to download the videos you’ve added to playlists. If you’ve got a long morning commute, this can be the perfect time to maximize efficiency (or just listen to a video about efficiency) by plugging in your smartphone and listening to the videos that interest you most.

From crafts to lighting design, you can find just about any topic explained in detail. So if you’re looking to create your first Comicon worthy cosplay armor or learn a few piano basics to impress your friends, you’ll find it all waiting there for you.

Remember, as many YouTube impresarios have said before, the value is in the audio. If you’re planning to add a YouTube playlist to your morning commute, keep your smartphone tucked away somewhere safe so you aren’t tempted to watch the video content. You can use your commute to further your personal growth but keep your eyes on the road!

More About Personal Growth

Personal growth can mean a lot of different things to different people, however, following your passions and responding to inspiration with action are two of the most important steps toward creating a life that you love.

For more great information about self-improvement and technology, visit our blog.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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