HomeSocial MediaYouTube vs IGTV

YouTube vs IGTV

Instagram’s new feature has many users wondering, “what is IGTV?” For some, IGTV seems too similar to Youtube, but there are a few key differences. Though its initial release caused many people to debate if IGTV would steal influencers away from Youtube, there is a bit more to the arrival of IGTV than that.

IGTV vs Youtube

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More than an attempt to steal influencers from Youtube, IGTV is one of the latest updates to Instagram, following in the same vein as Instagram stories. Arriving in June 2018, IGTV was introduced as a way for users to share longer video content (up to 10 minutes). While early adopters uploaded videos from what they created for other platforms to their IGTV accounts, today, more and more brands are including IGTV as part of their Instagram campaigns.

IGTV is both a feature on Instagram and an app. The IGTV app encourages brands to create their own “mini-series” of videos, allowing Instagram to take part in the popularity of on-demand non-traditional content services like Amazon Prime and Netflix.

Brands and influencers wondering “what is IGTV and is it worth my time?” should review the following list of pros and cons comparing IGTV to Youtube:

youtube vs igtv

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1. IGTV Is the First Platform to Offer Vertical Viewing
Realizing that most users are consuming content with their phones, Instagram created IGTV to be viewed vertically. Compared to Twitter and Youtube, IGTV makes it easier for users to watch their favorite accounts without having to flip their phones around horizontally.

2. Keep Your Following
Starting a Youtube Account requires you to start from scratch to create your following. Instead of starting at 0 followers on Youtube, IGTV lets you start with the audience that you’ve already built. However, if you already have a sizable following on Youtube, you may find it harder to find viewers for your IGTV videos.

3. Long Form Video
This is the major draw of IGTV. With IG Story, brands are used to posting multiple videos, instead of being able to get their message in one 15-second message clip. With IGTV, most users can post 10-minute videos, while some verified users are allowed to upload an hour of content.


1. Youtube Is Easier to Monetize
Influencers turn to Youtube because of how easy it is to monetize their account. Looking to monetize your IGTV account? With its distinct lack of advertisements, earning money with IGTV isn’t easy. While this may make for a better user experience, for influencers, it may mean a waste of time. With Youtube and similar video sharing platforms, brands can make money based on the number of views and with pre-roll ads.

2. Youtube is Easier to Navigate
IGTV’s instant streaming can be a bit off-putting for users that are searching for specific content. Moreover, while IGTV allows users to watch the videos of people they follow and suggested accounts, the platform makes it difficult to search for other accounts on IGTV. Overall, its interface isn’t as intuitive as Youtube.

3. IGTV Can Only be Viewed by Smartphone
IGTV’s vertical viewing convenience only extends to smartphones. Influencers and brands hoping to create content for IGTV have to accept the fact that users can only view their videos on their phones rather than on larger screens. While some may not care about this distinction, users hoping to watch their favorite accounts on a laptop may grow frustrated.

Youtube and IGTV are distinctly different. Brands that are comfortable creating content specifically for IGTV and their Instagram followers stand to benefit the most from using IGTV. Influencers looking to easily monetize their video content with ads and the like will find it more beneficial to stick to Youtube.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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