Your tech startup is off the ground. You’ve even rented an office space.
Now that you have temporary custody of that office space, though, you might ask yourself something like this.
“What do I need to set up an office?”
Sit back, keep reading, and we’ll give you a list of the top office must-haves.

1. Office Furniture
Before you go crazy, start with the basics. You need office furniture.
Since this is a tech startup, that means desks and chairs. While any reasonably sturdy desk will work, don’t skimp on the chairs. You’ll have lots of people sitting for hours every day.
They need solid back support.
2. Computers
The debate about desktops and laptops rages on in tech circles but stick with desktops for the office. If nothing else, repairs and upgrades prove much easier on them.
In terms of buying, get the best ones your budget allows that will support the software you need.
3. Servers
Whether you’re launching a minimum viable product or prototyping new products, you need in-house storage. Choose your server hardware based on your projected needs at least 1-3 years out.
4. VoIP Services
Landline services cost a lot, especially if you want an in-house PBX. VoIP services come cheap by comparison. Plus, you can install a SIP truck and create a digital PBX if you need one. VoIP services also scale up with a lot less hassle and cost.
5. Uninterruptible Power Supply
For a tech startup, uninterruptible power supplies are almost as important as good computers. These handy devices give you people a short window to save their current work and shut their computers down.
6. Surge Protectors
A good USP provides surge protection for your computers, but there’s plenty of other electronics gear floating around. Surge protectors will help prevent that gear from frying while the electrical grid sorts itself out.
7. WiFi Gear
In an office full of tech types, you’ll need the best tier of broadband available in your market. It’s the only way you can support the smartphones, tablets, and laptops everyone will hook up to the WiFi.
It also means you need a high-end modem and a wireless router that can support a lot of connections.
8. Door Chime
You might think, “We don’t need a door chime. We’re not supporting customers at the office.” Yet, that’s exactly why you need a door chime for business.
If no expects visitors, no one will keep an eye out for them. You will likely get packages and potential investors could stop by to chat. You don’t want people standing around waiting to get noticed.
9. Keyless Locks
Old style key locks probably still have a place in the world, but keyless locks will probably serve your startup better. For one, there’s no key for anyone to lose. They memorize a code and that’s it.
That combination of no physical key and an access code makes your business harder to get into after hours. In fact, you can even assign individual codes. That way, if you must fire someone, you can erase their code without making every else’s life harder.
10. Communication and Collaboration Software
You’ll want a solid communication and collaboration application loaded on all your computers. The big gun in that area is Slack, but it can get expensive. Plus, it’s run by a very new company, which makes Slack’s future uncertain.
Fortunately, you can choose from a variety of other paid and free alternative applications. You might discover one of them serves your needs better.
11. USB Hubs
Desks will overflow with peripherals that must connect with your computers. Wireless keyboards and mice, external drives, and even USB-driven desk fans.
A USB hub can live on top of the desk and keep the cable tangle to a minimum. Plus, it gives your employees somewhere to charge up all those extra devices they haul to work every day.
12. Espresso Machine
Startup employees and the founder routinely work very long hours, especially around launches. An espresso machine helps those employees stay perked up when the hours get long. It also means people won’t run in and out all day long on coffee runs.
Plus, it’s a great way to get your juices flowing first thing in the morning.
13. Noise-Cancelling Headphones
Despite everyone’s best efforts, offices can get very noisy. That’s fine for the people having an impromptu brainstorming session in the middle of the office. It’s a lot less ideal for the three people in the corner trying to code patches for your online game.
Noise-canceling headphones don’t always block the outside world completely. What they can do is tone down the roar to a less distracting level. Less distraction means happier, more productive employees.
14. Data Backup Services
No matter how solid your servers, disasters can still happen.
The roof can leak. The building can burn down. The city can flood.
You’ll want an offsite data backup service in place for customer databases, crucial IP, and financial records. That information can get you up and running again.
If you’re very concerned, you can do full backups of all your data. Just make sure you enable the security features on any cloud storage you use.
15. Shredder
The paperless office remains a pie-in-the-sky ideal. You’ll have papers floating around your office. Some of them will contain sensitive information, like customer information or intellectual property.
You’ll want a shredder in the office to destroy that paperwork once it serves its purpose. Pick out a micro cut shredder. They reduce the paper to such a tiny size that it’s extremely difficult to retrieve any information.
Parting Thoughts on Office Must-Haves
When it comes to office must-haves, you must focus on the essentials first. No matter how cool that full-size arcade cabinet is, it won’t matter if there’s no chairs or desks.
Get your furniture, computer equipment, and peripherals locked down first. Get essential services like internet and data backup in place. Sort out internal and external communication software.
Then, you can start thinking about Foosball tables and a cotton candy machine.
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