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Building a Traffic Funnel: 3 Ways You Can Use YouTube to Drive Traffic to Your Website

If you are thinking that YouTube is only for Justin Bieber fans, you need to slap yourself hard because that’s a poor imagination. YouTube is the second most searched after Google and that can show you how powerful that is.

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Additionally, YouTube has more than three billion views daily. That means, if you post an informative video on YouTube consistently, you are likely to get noticed within a short period of time. Sounds, interesting?

YouTube to Drive Traffic to Your Website

That is why YouTube can be phenomenal in driving traffic to your website, but how?That’s what we are heading to discuss. So, very fast, let’s look at three ways you can use YouTube to drive traffic to your website.

Tell People Exactly What You Do

Nobody can ever know what you do if you don’t inform them of what you do. In fact, even if you think most people know what you do, you should still be pushy enough and remind them of what you do. That’s one of the marketing skills that you shouldn’t ignore.

For example, if you are a freelance writer for hire, yet you also coach upcoming freelance writers, you can decide to create a video that gives insights to freelance writers. In your video, be sure to introduce yourself to everyone by telling them what you do and how they can connect with you. Don’t forget to give them the URL to your website because that’s where you want to drive traffic to.

By doing this, you will get more people subscribing to your YouTube channel which will ultimately convert them into your website visitors. Bad new though; make sure to create informative videos that people will love. Without that, you’ll be wasting time. Before jumping into the next way, be sure to check out Winn Technology Group’s channel marketing strategy.

Set Up the Call-To-Action Overlay

Most marketers will ignore this, but just know that if you’re going to ignore this hack, then you’re leaving potential traffic to your website on the table.

If you don’t know what a call-to-action is all about, here’s a brief definition. A call-to-action appears in the lower left side of your video in a shutterbox.

Your overlay will appear once your video begins, but can be closed by the user if he or she feels uncomfortable with it. Normally, you’ll get such when you are using AdWords for video.

What most people don’t know is that you can put your video to queue as a part of your ad campaign, but never activate it. The good news is that even if you don’t activate your ad, your overlay call-to-action will still run. In short, the inactive ad ends being your free ad to drive traffic to your website.

Additionally, they can also run on your mobile phone. Though, the feature changed because it was redesigned lately, but you don’t have to panic because still, you can drive traffic to your website with other options.

The Video Description Box

When you upload your video to YouTube, you have the freedom to include a description of what your video is all about. Sadly, most marketer ignore this feature that would have given them lots of advantages. To be safe, don’t ignore to add your description as that is what will let your YouTube subscribers know what you do.

Wrap Up

With the three billion views a day, you shouldn’t just ignore YouTube. Instead, you should give it much of your time and employ the hacks above and drive traffic to your site.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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