HomeSEOSEO and Web Design - How Can You Make them Work Together?

SEO and Web Design – How Can You Make them Work Together?

All too often we find ourselves listening to the same debate- what’s more important SEO or Web Design? New businesses get caught in the middle of this tug of war, but guess what- the rope barely moves. They are both vital parts of a business in this new age and overlooking one of the two could result in a terrible performance of your website.

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Anybody who has experienced plenty of success and capitalised on their traffic with a high conversion usually enjoys the best of both worlds and that’s because both SEO and Web Design should work synonymously. When you get the right company that know a lot about both- you are found with the perfect balance sure to provide a clean, bespoke website design that also works alongside some of the integral SEO tools and plugins. Companies such as Mango Matter Media ensure that your website is professional and nice on the eye but equally use good optimisation practices.

Is Web Design More Important than SEO?

Before delving further into ways in which you can make both work for you and your business model, lets address the elephant in the room. The on-going debate is sometimes fuelled by pride of the respective trades but you should know that both are just as important. If you decide to neglect one of the facets then you could be caught in a catch 22 situation. A site with a stunning outlay and landing page could be brilliant for those that magically find your site from thin air, but they may be from the wrong market. Just as well, getting good search engine optimisation protocols in place could be moot if your site is unworthy of converting traffic into customers.

Things To Know

* Speeding up your website could increase conversion by 7%.
* Be aware that making a good start on SEO for you website is imperative and the longer you take to address this, the * harder it is to fix.
* Including a call to action within your website helps increase conversion
* Using plugins such as Yoast can help with the optimisation of content

Bear Both in Mind

One of the common mistakes by those stuck in-between the cross-fire of this infamous dispute is that web designers with little all-round knowledge code the site and it becomes hard for SEO gurus to put their hand to and vice-versa- some search engine optimisers sometimes code the site so that is hard to make simple and nice on the eye.

Speed of the Site

As mentioned above, the site of the website is very important for both factors. A good host enables you to use a number of different aspects of web management and what’s more the background of the website should be easy to use. If your host is a slow one and the site has too much junk on it, then your conversion will be majorly impacted. Sometimes optimisers undo some of their hardwork by jam-packing the domain and in-turn slowing it down.

Mobile Friendly Design

As you’re probably aware, a number of customers and Internet users often take to their mobile device to access websites. That means smart phones and tablets are the most common devices the population uses. This has been taken into account and mobile design is now something that should be taken into consideration when sifting through your ranking protocols. When considering a web designer you should be sure to take this into consideration.

Optimising Your Site

Search engine optimisation isn’t an easy feat yet there are simple tasks that everybody can utilise. When looking to optimise your website there are a number of techniques that include regular posts, ensuring the site is up to date and also making sure that your design is easy for the search engine to crawl. This way they can determine how useful your site is and where it should be ranked online. You can maximise the potential of your service by incorporating both quality web design and good SEO practice. Merge the two to provide a great customer-friendly experience.

The Bounce Rate & Experience

This is another element that needs you to combine both factors, by providing a tidy and sleek site it enables customers to find what they need. Visitors will be able to make the most of your website but you also need to implement important marketing strategies. Some of them are simple- be sure to add internal links on your site, to allow web users to experience your entire domain. You will also need to target the right niche, it is no good ranking for car sales yet your site is full of camping gear. This will provide Google with a bounce rate, where people visit your site realise they are in the wrong place and instantly click off your website. This can be prevented with both bespoke design and professional optimisation tactics

Using Both SEO & Web Design

When trying to merge both practices into your business model you should consider the bounce rate, you don’t want visitors coming onto your website and leaving straight away. Keep them occupied with good content, eye-catching designs and calls to action that are relevant to what the market wants and needs. When your site is designed concisely it allows customers to find what they need and cuts down the time on page as it results in less dwelling.
It seems simple to us- both need to be respected and have their own place, usually this means that they should be utilised in unison. Do you feel that there is one that is more important than the other? In our experience they can both work together and heavily rely on one another. Merge both design and SEO as you design your website from scratch with techniques sure to gain a chunk of your market as well as converting them into loyal customers or regular visitors.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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