HomeBlog7 Ways to Keep Your Business Productive while Moving Locations

7 Ways to Keep Your Business Productive while Moving Locations

If a business is lucky, it will inevitably outgrow its initial workspace. This means a change of office is necessary to continue business growth and give a company room to breathe. However, an office change may be a good thing in the long run, but on a short-term basis it can significantly disrupt the productivity and efficiency of your daily operations.

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Ways to Keep Your Business Productive while Moving Locations

Some disruption is inevitable when it comes to moving offices, but there are plenty of ways to keep this to a minimum. Here are some of the top tips for keeping your business productive while moving locations.

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Time the situation properly

Timing is everything when it comes to a location move. Check your calendar and see what the most logical time is for a move to take place. Ideally, this should be when any large projects you’re currently working on have been completed, and before any new members of staff join the team. Try to minimise the amount of time the move will take as much as possible, as a long stretch of time will make you more likely to miss deadlines and opportunities.

Move your tech swiftly

Tech is the lifeblood of today’s businesses, so this is one thing you want to be sure you set up right. Nothing is worse than starting your first day in a new office only to discover the new network doesn’t work properly, so move your tech over with plenty of time to spare for double checking. An IT support team can help you do this swiftly and smoothly.

List the tasks that can be completed from home

If the current office is becoming a bit chaotic with moving preparations, consider whether your employees would be more productive working from home where things are quieter. If they have plenty to be getting on with which doesn’t require your presence, then this is probably the smartest solution until things have calmed down.

Schedule your social media

There are plenty of tools out there like Sprout Social and Hootsuite to help you schedule your social media posts in advance. Doing so will ensure that your business maintains an active online presence even when you’re in the thick of the moving process.

Maintain an online front

Similarly, be sure to keep your website going while you’re away, too. If you don’t currently offer customers the chance to buy products or request services online, you’re missing out on a huge part of the market and should look to remedy this ASAP – especially because it will also help keep things active while you move. At the very least, you should add a contact form to your website so people can get in touch with you without calling the office or paying you a visit.

Secure your temporary location

Despite the rise of the online aspect of business, face-to-face meetings are still often important. If you have clients to meet while the moving is taking place, be sure to secure a temporary location where you can hold meetings and keep things active. This could be an office space you’re renting for a couple of weeks, or even your local coffee shop for a casual meeting. Many hotel lobbies now include co-working spaces, which can also be an attractive and comfortable place to meet clients.

Reassure employees

One of the common consequences of moving offices is that employees may start to get restless. They may worry about getting to the new space on time, or which new route they’ll have to take. Make sure you discuss every aspect of the moving process thoroughly with your team. You could even take the time to research their new routes yourself to show you care about their concerns.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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