HomeBlogBoost Website Traffic: How and Why You Should Create a Landing Page

Boost Website Traffic: How and Why You Should Create a Landing Page

Landing pages have become a popular tool for increasing website traffic and turning traffic into leads and sales.

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Unlike traditional websites, which may contain an overwhelming number of links and ads, a landing page can be tailored to direct visitors to the exact information they need. This eliminates the need for visitors to navigate entire general websites looking for specific information.

Stick around to learn how to create a landing page and why it’s important.

landing page

How to Create a Landing Page

Before embarking on building a landing page, you should understand what makes a good one. Here are five general guidelines to follow to steer you in the right direction.

1. Have a Clear Goal

Without clear, specific goals, your landing page will lack a sense of purpose and won’t draw the attention of your target audience. Establish what you want to achieve through your landing page from the word go.

2. Use a Minimalist Web Design Strategy

In web design, a minimalist strategy is an approach aimed at simplifying interfaces by eliminating elements and content that don’t lend themselves to user tasks. A simple design is essential for achieving a clean page. The simpler the design of your landing page, the more user-friendly it’ll be. Less is more.

3. Keep Sentences Short and Sweet

Long paragraphs can be confusing and distracting. Landing pages should be succinctly written (preferably bulleted). If you’re making an offer, make sure you show why it’s valuable in a clear and concise manner.

You’ll need to convey your message in a few words, so make each word count.

4. Keep Forms Simple and Concise

If you’re going to include a form in your landing page, make sure it is simple and concise. The more form fields you require visitors to enter, the less likely they are to complete the forms.

5. Have a Clear Call to Action

A call to action is the single clickable button found on a landing page. It should be clear, persuasive and tied to your marketing goals. With MailChimp, you can create a clear call to action that urges visitors to join your list or buy your products.

If you need design ideas for your landing page, check out this list of creative landing page inspirations.

Why Use Landing Pages?

Every business, regardless of industry type, should use landing pages as a core online marketing tool. Here’s why.

  • Landing pages help match visitors to the specific types of products or content they’re looking for.
  • Landing pages can help generate vital business leads.
  • Landing pages can be personalized to social media networks.
  • Landing pages can help convert ads into sales.
  • Landing pages provide clarity and a sense of purpose.
  • Landing pages influence visitors to take action to solve their problems.

The above reasons can be summed up into two primary goals of landing pages – to generate traffic and increase conversion rates.

Creating a Landing Page Is a Smart Move for Your Business

Progressive online marketers know change is inevitable in any business environment. Embracing and managing change is an important part of achieving success in business.

Creating a landing page is a great way to generate traffic and improve conversion rates. But users don’t want to faff around, so having a well-designed page is crucial.

Contact us if you need inspirations, illustrations or tutorials for building your custom landing page.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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