HomeBlogBusiness Intelligence Trends that are Changing the Business World in 2019

Business Intelligence Trends that are Changing the Business World in 2019

It’s the time of the year when business intelligence topics start to buzz for the next year. Recently datapine, have gathered and published the top 10 business intelligence trends for 2019; here, we will present a quick summary and overview of each of them.

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busienss intelligence trends 2019

A few decades ago, big data and analytics were much different than today. Every year different changes and prominent developments are made in the realm of the online and physical world. Artificial Intelligence, Data Governance and Trust, Security – Digital Ethics and Privacy, Connected Clouds –the possibilities of growth and expansion of the invaluable resources in business intelligence and technology, has made research centers and BI professionals gathered to predict the future, and deliver the main focus-areas that will influence the world in 2019.

That being said, the most noticeable trends that will leave a footprint for every professional, be it in marketing or hospitality, robotics or science – are gathered in this list:

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1. Artificial Intelligence

The diverse application of AI continues to expand on markets and various utilizations: sales, finance, customer support in financial institutions, simple chatbots in hotels implemented in the check-in process or breakfast delivery – the usage of these smart machines that are executing human interactions is one of the leading trends that will continue to affect every industry in the world.

2. Data Quality Management

In our big data world, data quality has become one of the most important trends to keep an eye for. It is no longer important just to collect data, but to contextualize and extract findings that can obtain a sustainable development for industries. “The analytical landscapes of organizations are becoming more complex,” stated the Business Application Research Center, and 2019 will bring more changes.

3. Predictive and Prescriptive Analytics Tools

Following the data quality management trend, predictive and prescriptive analytics tools will impact the anatomy of data and reinforce the big data development faster than we can imagine, hence monitoring this process will bring precious insights to the world of analytics.

4. Connected clouds

The expansion of clouds will not stop in 2019. After giants like Amazon started the race for market domination, the importance of cloud computing and multi-cloud strategies have expanded exponentially, bringing more cloud-based tools that are affecting the market.

5. Data Governance and Trust

Making decisions for data-related matters will increase its importance in 2019. As more data is being gathered and stored, organizations are finding a way to strike a balance between access to data and security.

6. Security – Digital Ethics and Privacy

With the increase of controversies made by data breaches, the security issues have been connected with the data governance and trust, in internal processes of organizations, and external alike. Digital ethics and privacy have become one of the buzzes that will continue to leverage great discussions in 2019.

7. Data Discovery

In the recent years, as data has become a crucial element for small businesses, big enterprises, tech giants and the scientific community, the value of discovering pattern and outliers in data has become more important. Preparation, analysis, and visualizations will modernize industries and we will yet to see how it will affect the most important BI trends in 2019.

8. Consumer Experience

Predicting the behavior of customers by utilizing analytics, customer self-service, chatbots and AI, augmenting human agents, all became interconnected in the world of consumers. It will bring an added value and increased possibilities for industries to implement technology into service in 2019.

9. CDO and CAO

As the CDO (Chief Data Officer) became more important in recent years, now the focus expanded on the CAO (Chief Analytics Officer) as well. 2019 will bring a concentration on the value of information an organization possesses, and recruiting people that can analyze and utilize it.

10. Collaborative Business Intelligence

While more and more analysis and reports are generated into today’s working environment, the need for a strong collaboration between technologies, coworkers, and managers became of great significance.Using different tools to share and analyze data will even grow stronger in 2019, and we should see what professionals will reveal.

Next year will be a year of great expansion in technologies, big data, analytics, and business intelligence; the digital transformation will augment our perception of reality and affect the growth of organizations. Let’s see how this will develop the year 2019!

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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