HomeBlogX Reasons Why Your Website’s Landing Page isn’t Getting Conversions

X Reasons Why Your Website’s Landing Page isn’t Getting Conversions

Being a website owner, you always find yourself thinking of ways to make people visit your online real estate. Be it a brilliant marketing campaign or a clever PPC ad placement, getting people to visit your site is an accomplishment in itself. However, what if the visitors are not moving past the landing page?

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landing page conversion

You re-analyze the marketing strategy and find that the mechanism to attract more customers is entirely in place. You tried changing everything, from ad copy to social media captions. More than that, you ARE getting the right traffic to your site.
Then where is the problem?

You are not alone. Many website owners have been through the frustrating period where landing pages just don’t convert.

1. Complicated message:

Marketing messages must have clear communication. This goes for both physical and online stores. The target audience must know what you mean when you put something on a landing page. If the language or the message is too complicated, people won’t understand where to take the next step. Many visitors click out of the website if the news is too complicated.
Make sure that your message is always clear when communicating with your target audience. Keep it simple with the grammar on the check, and see the difference in your conversions.

The design has another huge role in portraying the credibility of your website. You can avail website and logo design services that provide you with a beautiful template which speaks of a robust brand.
Many people make the mistake of listing too many specs on the landing page, but it doesn’t lead anywhere. It is a simple but great strategy to improve design and communication to simplify the message.

2. You are not addressing the target customer:

Have you made a buyer persona yet? Many stores have several buyer personas. The first rule of conversion rate optimization is to know your customer! Your messages may not be valid because you are not channeling it to serve the right customer.

You must know whom you are trying to persuade. Brainstorm with your team and list down the best attributes of your potential customer. It will depend on whether you are a B2B or B2C business or if you only target a particular age group.

Next, list down the pain points and frequent queries of such people and how you can solve them. You can also segment your customers for a landing page campaign. This is easier said than done, but you will get the code right within a first few attempts. The best way to segment is by testing everything. It does not cost much to A/B Test your landing pages. Using A/B testing, President Obama raised an additional $60 million.You will be able to write for the perfect customer and have more click-throughs and checkouts.

3. Problem with the calls to action (CTAs):

When we talk about calls to action (CTAs), we should focus on the fact that they have a specific task to accomplish. They have to urge a user to convert through one particular action. Calls to action vary in their functions. You can take the user’s email ID, ask them to subscribe to a mailing list or take them to another more specific landing page.
Maybe you brought the customer to the landing page by promising them a sale,but the user arrives on a different page and gets annoyed? The CTAs should be crystal clear and guide the user to do one specific task.
Your caption, copy,and headline should match the CTA. If the viewer cant makes the connection, they won’t proceed.

4. Weak copy:

It is impossible to write copy without user personas, but in any case, do not start with generic messages. It is like wasting your time and saying the same thing to every customer who walks into your store. Even in a brick and mortar store, every walk-in customer has different intent. Generic messages seldom achieve the task of earning conversions.

Write creative copy that attracts more eyeballs. For example, if it is the landing page of an NGO, the copy should be heart-touching and emphatic. The audience should read it and follow a call to action towards donating or signing up as a volunteer. Long landing pages have 220 percent more chances of earning conversions. List down the emotions you wish to spark when the user looks at your messages, and a beautifully written copy will follow.

5. No exit popups:

Exit pop-ups get a bad reputation from many people, but that does not change their effectiveness. The error is in their right usage. Marketers do not put these popups in the right way. An exit pop is just not an annoying popup; it works as a landing page. The main purpose of exit intent software is to have more conversions.
Exit popups are your last chance to grab the attention of the user and make them convert. If you have the right user persona in mind, you can use this information to offer a lucrative deal to the user. Design an attractive interface and put a compelling copy to attract attention.

Last word

Always write your landing page copy like a savvy marketer. Having great skills like good grammar and design matter, but key messages can only float around if you think from your marketing point of view. Enthrall your users by offering a great experience, minimalistic design and strong calls to action.

It is possible to motivate users to convert by understanding their psychology. The best businesses keep the user/client as a top priority, and this trait alone can be a treasure trove for earning more conversions. Find out what works for you. For example, landing pages with videos have 80 percent more chances of earning conversions, but are they suitable for your brand? Don’t follow the trend blindly and work on a customized marketing model to attract more conversions.
Do you have more tips to share with our community? Tell us in the comments section.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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