HomeAndroid5 Best Apps for Meditation

5 Best Apps for Meditation

It can be hard to navigate the often confusing, frightening and bewildering landscapes of the mind. Meditation has increasingly proven its benefits on the body and soul, particularly in this fast-paced and distracted modern age we live in today. As well as reducing and easing symptoms of depression and anxiety, it also lowers blood pressure and helps with insomnia. These days, a plethora of smartphone options and meditation apps available mean you can meditate anywhere, anytime and at anyplace, making finding perspective and inner peace not only convenient but easy.

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Here are the 5 best apps for guided meditation and deep, mindful breathing:

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. Headspace

One of the most favoured and best meditation apps out there, Headspace is a perfect place to start for those who are just beginning their meditation journey. It is vibrantly animated with a reward and buddy system designed to encourage and help you understand mindfulness. A premium subscription unlocks more features and gives you unlimited access to the Headspace library.

Price: Free with trial
Available on iPhone and Android devices

2. Let’s Meditate

top meditation apps
Simple and easy to use, this guided meditation features a number of tracks designed for specific needs and purposes — just choose one and hit play. Meditations can also be downloaded and used offline. Calming male and female voices and thoughtful wisdom guides you into a relaxed and deep state of peace and acceptance – and best of all, they are completely free.

Price: Free
Available on Android devices

3. Insight Timer

best meditation apps
Over 4,500 free guided meditations are available as well as access to 750 meditation tracks, making it the largest library of mediations one could possibly want. It is highly customisable to the user; they can choose durations, interval sounds and background sounds, making it ideal for beginner and advanced meditators.
Price: Free
Available on iPhone and Android devices

4. 10% Happier

best meditation apps
Created by ABC News anchor, author and podcast host Dan Harris, this app is designed for those who are skeptical about meditation. It is practical, easy-to-use and regularly updated with new content, adding to its library of over 500 meditations by experienced and highly trained professionals. Those struggling with anxiety or sleep or just want to be happier will benefit greatly from this app.

Price: Free
Available on iPhone and Android devices

5. Calm

best meditation apps
Ranging from meditations a few minutes to 30-minutes long, Calm presents users with a practical way to sleep well and reduce stress in their lives. As well as guided meditations, it offers video lessons of gentle stretching, soothing music tracks to help you unwind and masterclasses taught by world-renowned mindfulness experts. A premium subscription option is available.

Price: Free with trial
Available on iPhone and Android devices

Wrapping Up

With these apps and a number of others available at the touch of a finger, meditation has never been more accessible. Not only do these apps patiently guide your journey to meditation, it gives you invaluable tools — many of them at no cost at all — to understand mindfulness, manage stress and anxiety levels and increase happiness in your life.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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