HomeTech5 Questions to Ask When Building Your Drug Rehab Website

5 Questions to Ask When Building Your Drug Rehab Website

There are more than 1.5 billion websites on the world wide web right now.

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So, how can yours have a fighting chance against the fierce online competition? Before you can start building a personal website, you need to ask some questions to ensure your site does what you need it to.

Read on for a list of five questions you need to ask before you start designing a website for your rehab center.

create personal website

1. What Is the Purpose of Your Website?

Building a website starts with listing reasons for creating the site in the first place. Even if you have an existing website that you are updating, it is crucial to start with the goals and purpose of your website.

If your existing website lacks in certain areas, strengthening those failings can be part of the purpose of your updated website.

Remember, your website design affects your organization’s growth. It’s how you build your brand, show your credibility and attract new leads.

2. Who Is the Website For?

Your target audience needs to be at the center of all your planning. If you haven’t researched and found your specific target audience, do that now.

Once you have your ideal audience, you can think about the way your web visitors will use your website. Think about how tech-savvy they are, the intent they have when coming to your site and their goals.

Are your visitors looking to find a treatment center for themselves or their loved ones? Once you have the answers to these questions you are in a better position to cater to the needs of your target audience.

3. Do We Need Those Features?

The cost of building a website can quickly go over budget if you aren’t careful.

With so many technological advances these days, websites are capable of doing a ton of incredible things. But that doesn’t mean that your website has to do them all.

You need to carefully consider which items are necessary for your site. A blog and contact form are must-haves. But what about accepting payment online, a place to sign up for a newsletter and third-party app integration?

Rank how important each item is to you and stick to the items that are most important. There may be time and money to add other features down the line.

4. Will We Use a Template?

Building a website from scratch costs a lot more than building a website from a pre-made template.

In the first case, your developer is building the infrastructure of your site, piece by piece. But using a template means they can start with a theme and fill in the missing information.

There are pros and cons to each. With a custom-built website, you can have it look exactly as you want. But, you’ll have to pay for ongoing maintenance.

If you choose to go with a template, your employees likely can update the site in-house as needed. Yet, you are limited in what your site can do depending on the theme you chose.

5. What Makes Us Different Than Our Competitors?

You aren’t the only rehab treatment facility out there. So why should Suzy choose to trust you with her recovery instead of your competitor?

Your website is the place where you can focus on what makes you different from the rest. Make sure that all your web visitors see the value you offer.

Maybe you offer various alternative therapies for recovering addicts. Or maybe you offer counseling for family members of addicts. Whatever sets you apart, highlight that on your website.

Bottom Line on Building a Personal Website

We hope these five questions to consider when building a personal website help you fine-tune what your website is and isn’t.

Want more information on how to optimize your corner of the Internet? Next, read all about how and why you need to build a landing page for your site.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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