Over 4.1 billion people access the internet on a regular basis. That number is growing every year.
Why? Because the internet rocks!
Amidst all of the internet’s awesomeness though comes a fair amount risk.
More than 80% of US companies have been successfully hacked at some point. This trend is particularly prevalent with small companies (less than 1000 people).
That danger online is what has led to the internet’s progressive adoption of SSL authentication which is quickly becoming a must-have for all websites.
SSL authentication does a myriad of things in the way of improving online safety and the reputation of your business. Below, our team goes over some of the key details and advantages that you should know about SSL in order to understand why you should secure your website.
1. SSL Protects Data Transmitted Online
The core function of SSL security is protecting consumer data online.
Every time a customer submits something to your site, they’re putting their data at risk. This data could be a trivial note sent through a contact form or something much more important like credit card information.
The reason why data is vulnerable when utilizing online forms is because data travels a long way to get to its destination.
The moment someone hits submit on a form, that form’s details get sent through a WiFi connection, a router, and an internet service provider. From there, it goes to a web host who then passes data off towards its final destination.
During any step in that process, hackers can intercept the information that’s moving.
With SSL however, the data that’s submitted is scrambled until it arrives at its final destination. That means that data interception liability is significantly reduced.
2. An SSL Secured Site Confirms The Identity of the Site Holder
Beyond providing military-level encryption, SSL is also a form of online ID.
In order to receive an SSL certificate, site owners must confirm their identity. With a site holder’s identity confirmed, you don’t have to worry about getting “catfished” by the sites you spend your time on.
There are ways that an SSL secured site can cheat the identification process by registering under a company name rather than a personal name. Still, for basic purposes, you can trust that what you’re getting is legitimate when a website has SSL authentication.
3. Google and Other Search Engines Prefer SSL Secured Sites
Given all of the security benefits SSL authentication provides, SSL secured sites are preferred by search engines. Google, in particular, has been outspoken in saying that it does leverage SSL as a ranking signal.
Why do search engines prefer SSL authentication? Because they care about their customers.
The last thing a company like Google wants to do is refer their searchers to websites where their data has a high likelihood of being stolen.
4. Most Payment Providers Require SSL Encryption
Credit card companies pay dearly for card fraud. Given that most companies have a 0% fraud liability policy in place for customers, every disputed charge often results in card companies needing to reimburse victims for damages.
To reduce the risk of online card theft and the resulting fallout, card companies have now required that any website accepting credit card payments have SSL authentication.
If you sell things on your website and don’t have SSL, don’t worry. Chances are your payments are being processed by a 3rd party like PayPal that is in compliance with requirements.
5. Consumers Trust Sites Displaying the Green Padlock
If you’re curious about how to discern which sites are SSL secured and which aren’t, look at your web browser’s address bar.
If you see a green padlock on its left side, the site you’re on is secure. If you see any other symbol, the site is not secure.
Most consumers are subconsciously trained to never enter sensitive information onto a webpage that doesn’t have the green padlock. As a matter of fact, many people won’t even browse sites that aren’t SSL secured.
6. SSL is Progressively Being Offered for Free
One of the biggest hoops to jump through with SSL authentication in the past has been charges imposed by web hosts. Fortunately, that trend has begun to change.
Given the necessity SSL provides, most responsible web hosts are starting to offer SSL authentication for free on even their basic hosting plans. Consequently, activation of SSL is often as simple as ticking a box in your site’s “CPanel” or asking your web host to activate the feature.
Click here to learn more about SSL activation procedures.
7. The Cost of Data Breaches are High and SSL Mitigates Risk
The average cost of a data breach is around 3.9 million dollars for a company. Consider that price and weigh it against the 30 minutes or so it might take you to get SSL authentication set up on your site.
When you look at SSL authentication from that angle, ask yourself, can you afford to go unprotected?
Wrapping Up What You Need to Know About SSL Authentication
SSL authentication protects your consumers from losing data and protects you from the resulting fallout of data breaches. The best part about SSL is that for most people, getting protected is as simple as activating the feature for free through your web host.
We hope to have both informed and inspired you in regard to the importance of SSL with this article.
Remember, you never know when a breach is going to take place. Don’t wait to get protected or it may end up being too late!
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