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Why to Have Animated Videos for Your Business

Animated videos are one of the most powerful tools to run a prosperous marketing campaign. Its essential power lies in being interactive and able to tell stories. The way a video interact with the target customers ensures to generate maximum outcomes. Many marketers still haven’t dig out the real benefits of video marketing. Knowing the competition going on in the digital world it’s important to practice techniques that can increase the outcomes and maximize your reach.

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animated videos for your business

Instantly Shareable

The attention span of online users is shrinking with every passing hour. They show an increased rate of distraction. Marketers are recommended to deliver information within the first two seconds just when a visitor arrives on your website. According to the statistics, around 80% of online users prefer to watch a video rather spending time reading the blog post.

Moreover, a single animated video can generate around 1200% more shares as compared to the static content form. Knowing such far-reaching benefits of videos, it has become the simplest method to maximize your brand’s reach.

In addition, an animated video is engaging and immersive. Viewers love to interact with the piece of information delivered through it. The rising trends and fascinating techniques to create a video animation have spur excitement and a bit of competition in the field as well.

Stays In Head for Longer

Visuals have the tendency to stay in the mind or longer time as compared to any other form of content. A single picture sticks inside the memory and whenever you see a similar figure; your memory begins to create loops to make you recall the content. As per the research, a human brain registers and remembers visuals 50,000 times faster than written words. So, knowing the biggest advantage of videos and visuals, why not a brand should plan on having animated videos in their marketing campaigns?

Explainer videos play an effective role in changing an entire promotional content into engaging one. These videos bring the target customers closer to the brand and assist in increasing brand recognition. A bond is created with the customer and he feels satisfied enough to lay his trust on your entity. Moreover, a custom animated video can assist you in delivering your core message across the audience and can increase the online visibility of your brand.

Google Loves Animated Videos

Google simply loves animated videos. In fact, websites having video content on their landing pages tends to receive high-ranking visibility. These sites get ranked at a much faster rate as compared to others. The reason behind such increased ranking of a website is simple. When a visitor arrives on a new website he is completely oblivion about the services or traits of the brand. If an animated video can answer his confusion and guide him within not more than 90 seconds then there is nothing that can stop the site from getting ranked. Almost 157% traffic is generated by having a simple animated video on your domain. Explainer videos are created keeping the customer and audience preferences as the foremost priority. So, these videos tend to have a greater reach in gather potential customers.

Moreover, you must know the outbound significance and reach of YouTube and its channels. If you succeed to get a place in this world-recognized website, you can be sure to maximize your brand’s reach. You will get a chance to interact with a huge percentage of the audience and can reach out to even those regions and people with whom you never thought about.

Accelerated Conversions and Sales Revenues

Animated videos tend to accelerate sales and conversions. These videos can bring more traffic to your site. Moreover, animated videos have the power to not only attract the viewers but to sustain their attention for longer. These videos expertly infuse the core values and enhance the effectiveness of the brand’s message.

Moreover, websites having video content on their landing pages produce conversions up to 80%. Moreover, an animated video has characters that give voice and face to a brand. These characters can bring in more leads and can assist the marketers in converting potential leads into prospective customers.

Wrapping Up

The animated videos are not only engaging but they are full of capabilities to increase the performance of your brand. To make the most out of your videos you have to use such impressive techniques and ideas that can bring unique flair into your creation.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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