HomeBusiness10 Invaluable Tips for Training Your Live Chat Agents in Customer Service

10 Invaluable Tips for Training Your Live Chat Agents in Customer Service

Customer – client relationship is getting more and more important. Because of this, companies are easy to reach. Enter any website at any time and you’ll find phone numbers, emails, social media channels where customers can ask for help, and, most recently, live chat options. These useful features help customers reach companies quickly and simply but they also create a problem for companies. Now they have to train staff for this job specifically. Here is how you could do that easily:

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live chat agents training tips

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1. Scripting

It’s very important that you have a procedure set in place to ensure that your customer support representatives have a play by play guide on handling common issues. Scripting can be tough since you are writing for a conversation that hasn’t happened yet. A good place to start is actually by talking to your highest rated employees and seeing what tactics they use for success.

2. Treat Your Reps Well

Treating your employees well should be a given. But taking special care is required when handling the customer service department. If your reps are disgruntled in any way that is likely to bleed through into the invaluable work they do for you on the chat service. Make sure you treat them with the respect you want them to show your customers.

3. Focus On Retention

Retaining customers is a huge part of most business strategies. Seeing the potential in each customer is a really important skill to breed in your representatives. An obscure technical question shouldn’t be answered and then left, it should be answered with a sense that it could always ultimately lead to a sale.

4. Write Well Always

Writing well in response to your clients is absolutely vital. And, sadly, it’s an area which is not given enough attention by a lot of companies. Sloppy writing breeds mistrust in your clients and gives them an impression of a lack of professionalism.

5. Support Your Reps

Customer service can, at times, be an absolutely horrible field to be in. Most customer interaction revolves around a problem, and if that problem can’t be solved, customers can get very upset and rude. Make sure that you stress to your reps that it isn’t personal and have a solid HR unit to respond to any real problems.

6. Meet Regularly

Give your reps a time to meet regularly with you and each other. This can be great for sharing info or problems.

7. Keep Them Updated

Customer service reps who aren’t aware of some sort of change or alteration in the company smack of unprofessionalism. Keep them in the loop so your customers don’t feel like you are incompetent. It’s also important to have them update you on the questions they are getting asked, so you are in the loop as well.

8. Evaluate

Save conversations so that you can review how your reps are behaving towards customers. This is a great way to see if there are any issues in communication.

9. Allow Personality

Chat bots already exist: don’t let your customers mistake a rep for a robot. Let them express themselves, it helps ease the conversation.

10. Do It Yourself

Nothing will help you understand the job more than experiencing it. Spend a few hours online responding to questions: it’ll help you empathize and improve.
So, there you have it. With careful monitoring, sympathy and respect for your employees and maybe a bit of personal experience you’ll be on your way to capturing all of the customers you could possibly want and improving their impression of the business in no time.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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