LinkedIn had 467 million members in 2016.
If you’re a business owner or a business professional, you should be on this platform. In addition to a personal account, you can make a page for your company. A company page allows people to follow your organization and get updates through your posts.
If you already have an account, you should be looking for ways to improve it. Want to learn more? Here are 5 tips for improving your company’s LinkedIn page.
1. Include Striking Visuals
Social media posts with images yield a 650% higher engagement than posts with just text. Images–especially striking, high-quality images–are more likely to capture a user’s attention than text alone.
Most of the time when we’re scrolling through social media, we’re skimming text posts. It’s only when an interesting image or video shows up that we stop to take a closer look.
2. Fill in All the Sections
What impression do you get from an empty LinkedIn company page?
Take some time to fill out the Overview section. If someone is looking at your LinkedIn page, most likely they’re interested in working with you or working for you, so you want to impress them with your page.
You can look at the Smart Circle LinkedIn page to see an example of a descriptive overview.
You should also accurately fill out the additional information such as the industry, website, and company specialties. When you fill out this information, optimize your LinkedIn page keywords relevant to your business or industry.
3. Post Relevant Content
You can’t post the same content across all your social media platforms. What you’re posting on Instagram is going to be different than what you’re posting on LinkedIn.
You should post content on LinkedIn that is professional, useful, and relevant to your industry. Examples include news and trends about your industry. Other popular posts include how-to or educational articles.
How often to post? According to LinkedIn, businesses that post every week experience 2x more engagement with their content.
4. Engage with Your Audience
Increase engagement by responding to comments on your company’s posts. You can now also include relevant hashtags with your page.
When posting content, don’t always post about your company. Engage your audience by posting information that is useful and interesting.
Change up what you post too. Company pages can now post documents such as Powerpoint presentations and PDFs.
5. Include Your Logo
This one may be obvious, but sometimes a busy owner can forget this key part of the company page. Make sure you include a high-quality image of your logo.
Also, make sure it’s the most recent version of your logo. You want to show your audience that you’re up to date on social media.
Improving Your LinkedIn Page: Final Thoughts
Your LinkedIn page and all your company social media pages are a representation of your brand. By following the above tips, you further your brand’s reach.
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