HomeBusinessThinking of Opening a Virtual Office Location?

Thinking of Opening a Virtual Office Location?

There’s a relatively new trend in business that’s changing how our world does business: virtual offices. Virtual offices are attempts by businesses to provide a way of interacting with customers and staff predominantly through Internet-based technology. Further, these technologies are used to fulfill the role of traditional methods expanding a business presence without brick & mortar solutions. Similarly, these virtual offices can operate as a “virtual location,” which fulfills the same role but is further tailored to the preferences and customers of another geographical region.

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You may have heard of the many benefits of virtual offices, including:
● Less costs than establishing a physical presence
● Ability to tap into any new market
● Faster communication
● Less risk
● No government approval needed

If you’ve been thinking of opening a virtual office located anywhere in the world, then read on for the necessary elements to create your own virtual office.

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Elements of a Virtual Office

Just about every virtual office is set up different, so there isn’t one standard one-size-fits-all solution that your business can mimic. Instead, it is up to your creativity to model your business on the wants and needs of your customers and provide the best service with Internet-based tools, such as:

● Website(s)
If your business wants to operate virtually, then the entirety of how your business represents itself over the Internet is directly tied to your web presence. Depending on your business model, you may require only one central website or a network of several (for international rebranding, as an example).

One way to think about your web presence is that it serves as the nexus of all of your company’s efforts. For instance, you may want to put up numerous FAQs, blogs, and whitepapers to provide information that’s valuable to potential customers. Similarly, if your business sells products or subcontracts work, it’s important to have an e-commerce element that’s tied into your web presence so your business can operate almost automatically.

Also, remember to use the appropriate domain extension so that your customers and other businesses view your virtual presence as authentic (ex. .com.uk for United Kingdom websites, .sa for Saudi Arabia, and so forth). Details like this ensure that international customers and businesses recognize your virtual office/location as a legitimate entity.

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● Virtual Phone Numbers
Virtual phone numbers are phone numbers powered by VoIP (“Voice over Internet Protocol”) that, when called, instantly route a call to another destination phone number anywhere in the world. Even though we live in the 21st century, where phone calls between individuals are “dying out,” the truth of the matter is that many important decisions still must be discussed over the phone for both parties to affirm their authenticity and resolve any potential conflicts.

Qualified service providers, like United World Telecom, offer virtual phone numbers in nearly any country in the world, as well as geographical locations within those countries. These phone numbers have evolved with advancements in the Internet (particularly cloud computing), which means that there a number of functionalities and add-ons that go beyond just how calls are placed and handled. For instance, you can pair your virtual phone numbers with “call recording,” which as the name implies, records inbound and outbound calls for later review. This can be a valuable add-on, especially when you need to review staff that you may have outsourced or comply with international regulatory organizations (particularly in finance, banking, investing, and so forth).

● Online Collaboration Platforms
If you are working with foreign staff and remote workers, then you’ll need to have a way of interfacing with those individuals in real time. That’s where online collaboration platforms can create the “office” part of the virtual office, where tasks are delegated, projects are discussed, and work is version-controlled. Popular platforms include Workfront, Trello, Slack, Teamwork, and a multitude of others. Each of these has their own set of advantages and workflow, so it’s important to find a solution that fits your business model.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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