HomeBlogCreative Websites Are In! 15 Extremely Unique Website Layouts to Use for...

Creative Websites Are In! 15 Extremely Unique Website Layouts to Use for Your Web Design

Over 380 websites are created every minute!

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From brilliant layouts to clever source codes, these sites are sure to give you some ideas for your own. We’ve put together a list of 15 of the best creative websites out there. If you’re a web designer, a website owner, or just enjoy aesthetic brilliance, then this read is for you.

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15 Brilliantly Creative Websites

Years back, Apple was one of the top dogs in the website world (note…they still are) but their competition has caught up. Designers pushed their creativity, coders stretched their capacity, and artist spoke direction.

With so many websites out there it’s refreshing to come across one that really knows web design. We hope you enjoy these as much as we have.

1. Heco Partners

When you go to the Heco Partners landing page, it feels like you’re about to experience an animated film from Studio Ghibli or something. Instantly, you’re drawn in by the waves and interactivity.

Websites that know how to wield simplicity within their design are always enjoyable for visitors. What’s great about Heco Partners is they have a “wave” theme running throughout their piece. This stands out as a reader because it’s something simple that you can remember and latch onto.

Key Take Away: Blend Simplicity with Interactivity.

2. Signes du Quotidien

The homepage to this site might remind you of a game, and that’s because the Signes du Quotidien web designers knew how to capitalize on people’s playful nature.

The button in the center is asking you to press it! And this is a wonderful hook because as soon as you can get someone to click on things within your website, you’ve piqued their interest in a way that’s more relatable than just reading through stuff.

After you’ve clicked it, you have to drag and drop the circle which you wish to experience. This continues the idea of keeping your viewers interested via playful interactions.

Key Take Away: Your website should be a place where people can Play not just learn about a product.

3. R2D3

For the Starwars fans out there, R2D3 website should sound vaguely familiar to something…

That little robot everyone loves, R2D2. And it’s fitting since this website is all about machine learning.

Actually, it’s about helping you learn about machine learning. A machine…helping you learn about a machine…seems like an R2D2 type thing!

This site is brilliant in how it both educates and appeases the eye.

In our opinion, this is an incredible way to blend technology with education because reading information from a site like R2D3 is more engaging than reading from a textbook.

Notice how graphs and data rise as you scroll, talk about the text coming to life!

Key Take Away: When using a site to educate, make sure it’s done in a way that encourages learning.

4. Nelu Cebotari’s Portfolio

As a designer themselves, you’d expect a portfolio that stands out.

This site is noteworthy in how it is interactive, bold, and yet aware of commonalities.

Nelu Cebotari’s Portfolio stands out in a way that doesn’t prod viewers. He’s not saying look at me, look at this cool thing here this is how I did it but simply showing you elegance and craft as your scrolling.

Something we find wonderful is how objects gain color as you hover over them with your pointer. This playful nature is both fun to see and displays great talent on behalf of the designers.

Key Take Away: Show Don’t Tell.

5. Lauren Wickware Design

Lauren Wickware works as a collaborative designer that partners with artists and business all over the world.

Her website may seem a little confusing at first, but you quickly learn how it works. As you scroll, you see more and more of the projects she’s helped bring to life.

On the right you get the images, on the left you get the titles.

It makes for fun scrolling because you’re always a little interested in what comes next. This is a great way to show a lot of your content without having everything in blocky frames or requiring people to click through NEXT buttons.

Key Take Away: Fun scrolling is the best kind of scrolling.

6. Sztafeta Pokolen

This site is unlike any other site we’ve seen. It’s bold, informative, but also fun to experience.

One the home page, you get to scroll through person after person, each with a story and a theme. But instead of using the spin-dial on your mouse, you have to click, hold, and move them aside.

This goes back to connecting your viewers to your site through interactivity.

When you find a theme you really want to read about, then you can scroll down. The person fades away as their story comes to life.

Sztafeta Pokolen uses images that look hand-drawn, yet they come across as full of life, making you want to pause and soak in whatever the person in front of you has to say.

Key Take Away: Be personable on your site!

7. Melanie F

Okay, we could honestly spend hours on this site.

As soon as you reach the homepage, you’ll start to hear the soft, sweet tones of some of the most gentle music on the planet.

Take a moment to think about that.

A lot of sites have advertisements that queue up after a few minutes. These ads usually start talking and then you’re clicking through tabs trying to figure out where the sound is coming from and it’s crazy annoying.

But not Melanie F…it plays music. Gentle music.

It’s insanely calming and makes you want to stay on the site longer and longer.

What’s great is that the music adds to the beautiful website layout, making your shopping experience both peaceful and remarkably enjoyable!

Key Take Away: Consider background music. At times it’s a really nice touch!

8. Guillaume Bouvet

We like to call this one the brochure website.

But Guillaume Bouvet isn’t the bad kind of brochure you’ll recycle as soon as you get home. It’s the kind you want to keep flipping through. The type with secret pockets and wonderful pages!

This site mastered the art of balance.

As you search through it, nothing feels over-explained or in your face. Everything appears when you want it to (by hovering over it or scrolling) and with all the information you need.

Key Take Away: Less is often more.

9. Hackery, Math and Design

The opening to this site feels something like a movie. But it’s not overdone in a way that makes you feel like your wasting your time.

It’s simple, and rather intriguing because you wonder what it’s going to lead to.

On the Hackery, Math and Design home page, you can even press the play button (which we want to add, the way everything wraps around the play button is a nice touch) to fully experience the video. And it has music!

This site is creative in how it both showcases what the company can do, while also reminding people to relax and be playful.

10. Thibaud

All around this site is elegant.

What stands out is how it relays so much information with so little words.

And the information is broken apart into interactive layers that make it easy for viewers to digest. If you’re a developing website, this is a good place to take notes from!

Key Take Away: Keep your message clear!

11. Andrew McCarthy

We just want to say that all of Andrew McCarthy’s work is stellar.

He does a lot with video and motion throughout his pieces, as you’ll see on this site.

A video that plays automatically but doesn’t demand viewers to watch it is key. You want viewers to be able to keep scrolling and pause on a clip they find interesting or relevant to them.

Key Take Away: Video is great, but with great power comes great responsibility!

12. Direnduvar

This site is like a giant interactive drawing pad.

As you scroll, you’ll zoom in or zoom out on different portions, each one having something different to share.

What we love about this site is its use of space. Via zooming in and out, you can spend hours admiring everything all on one page.

13. History of Icons

Ever want to spend some time learning about how the desktop icons came to be?

Probably not.

But this site will make you want to learn about things you’d never thought of before!

If your someone who uses WordPress or other platforms, spend some time on this site if you want to learn how to incorporate iconography into your own websites.

Key Take Away: A picture speaks a thousand words!

14. Strange Love

This site knows how to pack a lot on the page without getting too confusing.

This is often tough to do because people want simplicity so adding a lot to a page is scary. And often dangerous because it usually doesn’t go well.

But if you have a lot to say, show, and pack into a page, take notes from Strange Love.

Key Take Away: If you want to do something with your site, don’t be afraid to push for it!

15. The Boat

And finally, a site that truly knows how to tell a story!

The Boat is perfect if you’re looking to use your site in a way that a lot of people don’t think of.

If you’re looking to incorporate a theme, a message, or want to tell a narrative via the World Wide Web, check out The Boat.

Key Take Away: Tell More Stories!

More Websites

If you’re looking to learn a little more about how to build creative websites then head on over to our web design blog. We’ve got tons of articles and content for you there!

If you don’t see something you’re looking for, or want more on a topic you do see, feel free to reach out and contact us! We’re here to help you have the best tech experience possible!

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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