HomeAutoEverything You Need to Know about Spark Plugs

Everything You Need to Know about Spark Plugs

The ignition system of your car relies on spark plugs to power up the engine. These small car parts are responsible for firing up the air-fuel mix in the cylinders and for keeping you riding smoothly as long as your tank is not empty. Unfortunately, they are also the components that wear out the quickest and often need replacing with spare parts.
spark plug

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We have come up with a short but comprehensive guide on everything you need to know about spark plugs. Read on to discover their use, their lifecycle, and where to buy their replacements!

How spark plugs work

Spark plugs are small, steel devices that display a screw thread through which they are installed in the block motor of a car. They use two electrodes to create a spark and ignite the air-fuel blend that appears in the cylinder. This process results in a voltage appearing in the ignition coil that later transfers it to the engine, which enables the basic functioning of the vehicle.

Spark plugs are designed in such a way to clean themselves through regular use. However, in some case, they could become clogged with residue and emissions. Long periods in which the engine is not in use can also force the plugs to malfunction.

Most spark plugs have a lifecycle of 30,000 miles guaranteed by the manufacturer. However, these car parts tend to wear out sooner than that and require immediate replacement. You do not need extensive mechanical expertise to replace, and most drivers are encouraged to perform this action themselves. However, you can always ask for professional help from a specialist mechanic who can provide you with an extended diagnostic of the condition of your car’s spark plugs.

How many types of spark plugs are there?

Spark plugs do not offer a wide variety of choices when replacing them. Most cars that use combustion engines use similar versions. According to your car’s manual, your vehicle may have one of the following types of spark plugs:

# Platinum Spark Plugs
# Copper Spark Plugs
# Iridium Spark Plugs

Regardless of the materials and brand that you choose, spark plugs are generally affordable. Their quick rate of replacement keeps their price low and reasonable. Online retailers can provide you with accessible costs and attractive discount offers for these essential car parts.

When do spark plugs fail to function?

Most spark plugs fail before their lifecycle ends. You will notice that they are malfunctioning long before they become unusable. This process is rarely the cause of mishandling of the car, and more than often, the reasons why your car’s spark plugs fail to function are:

# The distance between the electrodes is not suitable anymore
# The insulator is either soiled or broken
# The working surface is deteriorated
# There is build up residue on the plug

One or more of these causes can cause the spark plugs to work poorly or at all. Whichever may be the case, you need to replace them with spare parts before the engine suffers severe damage.

Symptoms of spark plugs failure

Spark plugs rarely stop functioning all of the sudden. You should notice several symptoms that predict their failure long before they become obsolete. Here are some of the signs that could tell you the time for replacing them is near:

# You experience difficulties in starting the car
# Your car consumes more fuel than usual
# Acceleration issues appear
# The electrical response in lighting headlights is slow
# Considerable vibration and noise

As soon as you notice one or more of these symptoms, you should check the condition of your spark plugs immediately. Sometimes they may only require extensive cleaning. Most of the times, they need to be replaced, which is why you should always have spare parts in your car to complete the process as quickly as possible.

External causes for spark plug damage

Sometimes, spark plugs may deteriorate or fail even when they are brand new. In this case, you should check other car issues that could have damaged them. Here are some of the main external causes of spark plug failure:

# Piston ring deterioration
# The cooling system is damaged
# Overloaded engine
# Continuous ignition

A professional mechanic can set one or more of these diagnostics as the causes for the destruction of your spark plugs. At this point, you should consider replacing them along with the other car parts that became damaged in the process.

Where to buy spark plugs

You can always change the spark plugs on your car without approaching the services of a mechanic. However, you should always consider purchasing these spare parts from expert dealers like boodmo.com/catalog/3650-spark_plug/ to ensure that you buy quality car parts. Here, you can benefit from affordable prices, time-limited offers and professional help from specialists in the automotive industry.

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