HomeSEOHow Being on First Page Search and Organic Could Benefit Your Business

How Being on First Page Search and Organic Could Benefit Your Business

Just about every single person today uses search engines daily to find a business, product or to even to find general information. Google, for example carries out close to 12 billion searches per month and almost all buying decisions start with an online search.

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Being on First Page Search

Now that’s a massive audience and no doubt you want your business to be visible to a particular target marketing of this huge audience. This is why being on first page of a search engine can benefit your business.

Standing out from the crowd

With incredible stats like these, your product and business needs to stand out from the thousands and thousands of websites that pop up with an organic search. If your business is conducted mostly through online sales or lead generation then it’s not a good idea to use low-quality techniques to promote your page to get it to the top of Google.

To reputably stand out from the crowd you must take into account, at all times, that there are rules when it comes to promoting your page’s ranking in search engines. If your page makes it close to the top of results, you can bet Google will take a closer look. So be prepared when promoting your page and take progressive steps in this form of your digital marketing strategy instead of jumping right ahead.

Don’t break the rules

Google is one of the most popular search engines and as such if you try to include monetised links or similar new tactics to get first in line on Google search engine as part of your SEO campaign, you will surely not go unnoticed and Google could ban you from their listings.

To fully understand what is allowed and what is not in getting your site on first page search engines, it’s a really good idea to complete a comprehensive digital marketing course so you won’t get a nasty surprise from Google or other search engines.

Do a quick check

It’s always advisable to check your page’s search engine rankings before you dive into your SEO page ranking strategy and there are many tools available online that can help you do this. Determining your true organic search engine results is always a worthwhile exercise.

In fact, Google has recently released such a new feature, Top Search Queries,which allows you to access a lot more data and better insights to your true page rankings.

Points for better first page search ranking

Part of your SEO and digital marketing campaign should undoubtedly be to get website traffic through Google and other popular search engines. Every digital marketer knows that most people don’t even bother clicking through to the second page results. It’s no wonder a main element of any digital marketing strategy is to show up on the search engine’s first page.

It’s also a well-known fact in the world of SEO that some keywords are simply more popular than others. There’s no science behind this fact, so you may well want to do quite a bit of keyword research for your website. The more searches for your keywords, the more clicks you may get.

What is SEM?

Yes, there is now a term for search engine marketing, that’s right. You’ve guessed it – SEM stands for search engine marketing and it can turn searches into click-throughs. Search engine marketing can be an extremely low-cost, yet effective part of your digital marketing strategy.

A few examples of search engine marketing are paid search ads, paid advertising and pay-per-click (PPC). All of these gives you the ability to reach potential customers through search engines.

Clear and concise website optimisation

We know that an SEO strategy contains elements of search engine optimisation which improves your organic search position in search engines. The objective of being clear and concise in your goal of reaching the first page on search engines is to make your website visible online and more accessible in searches.

Lead generation

Part of every SEO campaign is to generate leads and most marketers understand that leads are generated directly from search engines, therefore being on the first page of search engines is the top goal. The better your search engine ranking, the more leads you are likely to generate.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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