HomeGadgetsGreat Tips and Tricks for Mac Users

Great Tips and Tricks for Mac Users

There are a lot of people out there who have been using MacBooks for years now. However, as Apple continues to release new versions of the computer, there are plenty of features that get introduced with every version. And as there are a lot of advantages that a Mac has over Windows, it is clear that more and more individuals will be making a transition to a change. Once you get there, you will need information that helps you make the most out of a MacBook. These tips should be of great help to both beginners and those who have some experience with this Apple product.

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tips and tricks for mac user

Talk and Listen!

Siri has introduced an entirely new understanding of how users can interact with their computers. This smart application is available on most Apple devices, Mac included. Newer versions react to nothing but your voice, and you can take full advantage of everything that Siri has to offer, such as closing and opening apps, getting answers to various questions, and so on.

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Running Windows

This might be against the code of any self-respecting Apple user, but it has become possible to run Windows on your MacBook. The “why” is not the most important part of the whole thing. It is the fact that you are able to do this in the first place.

Decide on a Size of a Screenshot Yourself

While small, this is one advantage that you can expect to have over Windows users. Outside help is necessary if they want to take a screenshot of the desired size, whereas Mac users can capture the moment using a simple combination. While on the topic, you should try to learn as many shortcuts as you can. This guide is a good starting point.

Signs Documents Inside the Mail

Those who work in the office know how annoying it is to deal with documents that require a signature. You need to print the document, sign it, and then scan it. Well, this problem can go away if you happen to be on a Mac. By dragging PDF documents you are about to send, try hovering over it. There should be a button at the top. After clicking it, you should see a variety of options, including signatures. This will save a lot of time and nerves if you are on a tight deadline.


The feature might not be revolutionary, but it still has its uses. Sharing is easy when you are using the OS, but one thing that separates it from the rest is tracking how and with whom you share the most. The preferences will become a default, allowing you to share faster.

Changing Folder Icons

The user interface has been one of the strongest selling points of Macs for years now. Every little bit helps if you want to make your interface as attractive as possible. Folder and file icons can be customized to your liking. Whether you do this for the sake of appearance or to make everything more organized matters not. It is all about the feature being there.

Reveal Hidden Files

A big chunk of new users has trouble locating some files on their computer. Apple has expressed that this choice was made in mind of safety. In other words, they fear that ignorance could lead to random files getting deleted just because someone does not have enough storage room. Of course, in some instances, it is absolutely crucial to access these files. If you want to show hidden files on Mac follow this guide. It has more than enough information about the matter.

Shortcuts for Everything

Once you become familiar with the computer, it becomes clear that you can make use of shortcuts to a great extent. What has been introduced by developers can be further expanded on. Locate Application Shortcuts in your system and click the + button to add a new command. Customizing the computer to your preference will improve your experience tenfold.

All in all, these few tips for completely new users and even those with a bit of experience should be of great use. MacBooks have unlimited potential, and all these features have been put in for a reason.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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