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How a Managed IT Support Can Help Your Business

Technology is changing business operations in ways never imagined before. Many of today’s business processes rely on IT for efficiency and optimum productivity. But while this is a welcome advancement, technology also changes rapidly, almost at lightning speed. Many organizations and business find a difficult time keeping up with the ever-evolving tech landscape. Plus, the IT needs will certainly change as the business grows.

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Working with a Managed Services Provider (MSP) offers the most cost-effective and efficient way to meet these tech requirements.

manage it support for business

Although Managed IT Services has been around for years, many organizations and businesses have relied solely on organic IT departments to manage their technology – but this trend is now changing. A report released by CompTIA noted that 64 percent of end-user organizations are now using Managed IT Services. It further expects the global managed-services sector to grow at 12.5 percent annually.

The growing adoption rate of IT outsourcing is not entirely surprising considering the wide range of services they offer. MSP can assist organizations with different technical services that include monitoring networks, email hosting, data storage, and CRM applications, backup and disaster recovery, IT consulting, and regulatory compliances, among others.

Aside from providing technical assistance, an IT management firm may also be advantageous to organizations. Here we outline some of the key benefits businesses gain from using Managed IT Support Services.

1. Frees up IT department

Overstretched IT workforce is a common scenario among growing businesses who don’t utilize managed IT services. With managed IT services, this can be resolved. Outsourcing mundane tasks or back-end operations enables organizations to dedicate their tech team to projects aimed at achieving goals, promoting innovation, and ensuring business success and growth.

2. Access to IT Expertise

Recruiting and retaining tech workforce is a major challenge to many organizations around the world. Businesses are struggling to fill crucial IT positions. Through managed services, you gain access to expert-level support on a 24/7 basis. Qualified IT professionals and technicians from PreciseIT respond to service requests immediately to prevent any disruption in productivity. In today business landscape, any delay or disruption due to downtime can have an adverse impact on the overall business operations, service delivery, and success.

3. Reduce initial investment cost

New technologies and updates, either hardware or software, entails a hefty investment cost. A software developer from Miropoint notes that businesses shell out thousands of dollars in developing dedicated IT solutions. By working with an MSP you can offset these costs. Instead of spending on new tech solutions, you pay lower, fixed monthly subscription fees. Outsourcing IT management relieves your company of capital expenditure hence realizing better ROI. In addition, you also don’t incur additional expenses to ensure up-to-date technologies.

4. Reduce infrastructure expenses

Alongside the growing IT requirements of your business is the need to expand your IT infrastructure. However, this means extra costs. By utilizing an MSP’s data centers, you’ll be able to downsize your on-site IT infrastructure. This reduces associated costs, such as hardware, installation, space, and maintenance requirements. Working with an MSP also relieves you of costs related to consulting, training, and licensing. MSP ensures that all of these capital expenditures are covered by your monthly subscription fee.

5. Increased scalability

Deploying new IT systems and processes may take months – or even years. Reliable IT management companies offer efficient and cost-effective services to meet your expansion needs. They provide a wide range of tech capabilities through a modular approach. This enables businesses to scale up or down depending on their needs.

6. 24/7 availability

Organizations that work round-the-clock require continuous tech support that an MSP provides. Minor and major technical glitches can happen, which can disrupt your operations or make your network vulnerable. MSP ensures that your IT system is closely monitored, either remotely through software solutions or on-site with a dedicated team of IT professionals.

7. Shifting the burden of compliance

Different IT initiatives require compliance to certain standards and requirements, primarily in data security, privacy, and reporting. Different industries and jurisdictions have unique regulations such as the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, Health Portability and Accountability Act, Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard, Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, GPDR, and more. These regulations are updated regularly and every organization is bound to comply. With Managed IT Services, the burden of compliance is shifted to the provider. Therefore, your in-house IT experts can focus on core functions.

8. Predictable monthly cost

IT is among the top operational expenses of a business. Organizations spend thousands on hardware and software solutions for storage, networks, security, and other processes. Aside from these direct costs, there are other associated expenses arising from equipment management, system deployment, and personnel training. Unexpected costs are also not uncommon. Outsourcing your IT requirements makes these costs into a fixed, monthly subscription fee. As such, you are able to plan your operational budget.

Ultimately, all of the benefits discussed above result in overall business success by ensuring a reliable, efficient, and scalable IT environment. The advantages of working with a Managed IT Services provider can have a significant impact on your day-to-day operations and bottom line. This collaboration can definitely bring your business to the next level.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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