HomeAndroidTop 9 Best and Free Android Apps for 2019

Top 9 Best and Free Android Apps for 2019

The definition of entertainment have changed with the changing generation. Today’s generation understand only one thing when you even start on entertainment. According to a survey, the number of apps in Google Play Store has increased to 2.5 billion.

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I know this hype is too much to handle, therefore instead of trying them all at once, here is a list of the best and free android apps for you:

#1 Swiftkey

swift key
Swiftkey is a software running a keyboard which is trusted by more than 250 million people globally. The app is much more user-friendly which allows easy typing for the users. It is also easy to learn.

#2 Evernote

Evernote has overcome Keeps in the matter of storage. Not only does it store variety of documents, such as photos, audio files, video files, pdf documents, word documents and many others; it also syncs those documents systematically across all your devices to make sure that your workflow is not disturbed.

#3 Google Assistant

google assistant
Google assistant is like your personal secretary in terms of mobile usage. It is an artificial intelligence which has access through every app and it helps you to find things easily and get a lot of things done, on just your voice command. Moreover, it is compatible with Android, iOs system, which makes it user friendly.

#4 Google Duo

google duo
How can we forget about Google Duo when we are talking about Google Assistant? It is not only one of the best entertainment apps, but it is also listed among the best video calling apps.
The reason is that Google Duo’s video and voice quality is much clearer than any other android apps. You can say that there are minimal to no phase lag. Plus it has a ‘Knock-knock’ feature which is very unique. It allows you to see a live preview of the caller before you even receive his video calling or voice calling requests.

#5 WPS Office

wps office
When it comes to mobile office apps, WPS Office is next to Microsoft. It is trusted by a lot of users worldwide. The best feature of WPS Office is that it can convert word document to PDF file and it can also convert a PDF file to word document (Provided you upgrade your app to premium level). It also comes with a reader, editor and you can also connect it to Cloud Drive to automatically save your files into the cloud platform.

#6 WhatsApp

WhatsApp has clearly taken over Facebook Messenger, due to its fast upgradations. It is an online chatting app, where you can not only share data, chat, video Call or voice call, but what makes it different from Messenger is that you can only connect to the person if you have his or her phone number (a bonus point on security matters). Whatsapp is free; and the latest version is also compatible for desktop settings. Whatsapp is considered as one of the best android apps.

#7 Shazam

Hearing a long-forgotten sweet music somewhere but cannot recognize it? Do not worry! Shazam is your mate. This unique app is integrated with a special feature which identifies music playing in your surrounding and automatically recognizes it for you. Not only that, it also plays that music for you.

#8 Tiny Scannner

tiny scanner
Tiny scanner has satiated the need to rush to a cyber cafe anytime you want to scan a hard copy (useful, isn’t it?). It is a simple mobile application where you can scan every type of document and save them as PDF files, Jpeg Files and many others.
It comes with many features such as color, grayscale and black and white scans; it also allows page edge removal, page size adjustment and organisation of documents in reference to date and time.

#9 Alarmy

You might be thinking that since when do people have using a separate alarm app in their mobile. Till date, most of us use the in-built alarm clocks. However, Alarmy is something special.
It controls your habit of skipping alarms. Alarmy provides you with challenges and puzzles before you can even touch the snooze button. This also helps people to break their morning laziness and get ready for a new day ahead. The best thing about Alarmy is that it can also be counted among the best entertainment apps.

If this is what 2019 is bringing to our tech world, then I personally think that Earth is soon going to be an automated planet run by apps and enjoyed by human!

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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