HomeWordpress5 Best Plugins for Running a Live Chat Service on Your Website

5 Best Plugins for Running a Live Chat Service on Your Website

Running a website for your business has never been easier thanks to the platforms like WordPress. In fact, with WordPress running over 25% of the accessible internet, it’s no wonder the platform is doing so well.
With the ease of use functionality and the ability for anybody to get set up and running, it’s easy to see why WordPress is the hosting platform of choice for many.

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However, as a business, you’re probably wondering how you can become more customer-centric and offer them the best experience. Of course, with a better experience, your customers are going to enjoy interacting with you more, which increases loyalty and helps to encourage them to make sales.

One of the best ways to enhance your website is to add a live chat feature. This way, your customers can directly connect with you instantly which is ideal if they need help with anything or have a question they want to ask.
However, is this even possible when you’re running a WordPress website? Of course, and today we’re going to help you get started. Below we’re going to explore the five best plugins for hosting a live chat service on your WordPress website, giving both you and your customer the most complete experience.

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#1 – Live Chat

wordpress live chat plugin
Perhaps the most obvious choice when it comes to adding live chat functionality to your website is using the plugin aptly known as ‘LiveChat.’ This is probably one of the easiest and most functional live chat experiences you can add to your website and aims to give you everything you need in one package.

For your customer-facing front end, you’ll be provided with a clean and user-friendly live chat box that’s constantly present in the bottom corner of the page, ensuring help is just one click away at all times. This plugin also supports the ability for customers to leave feedback on their chat experience, ensuring you have all the tools you need in order to improve your service.

There are even a grading system and the ability for the customer to give you a shout-out on social media if they really enjoyed the experience you gave them; all from within their live chat box window. However, LiveChat doesn’t stop there.

Some of the other features you can enjoy include;

i. A customizable live chat window
ii. See all conversations from a dedicated dashboard
iii. Store and access full conversation history
iv. Engage the customer first directly through the chat box

In short, LiveChat is easy and simply to use, and when you start combining it with other live chat customer service plugins like ZenDesk ticketing and Desk.com, you’ll be well on the way to delivering the best possible customer experience.
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#2 – Tidio Live Chat

wordpress live chat plugin
If you’re looking for a simple live chat solution that’s suitable for all businesses and WordPress and gets you up and running in no time at all, Tidio is the way forward. Simply download the plugin to your website, activate it and you’ll be good to go.

Once activated, you’ll be able to choose from three unique designs and color schemes, so the box matches your website branding, and all chats are manageable for your WordPress dashboard, or via the dedicated Android and iOS apps.
Even if you’re offline, you can have pending messages sent directly to your email inbox, so you know when you have customers waiting for assistance, and you can reply and interact with them directly through email; which is incredibly helpful if you’re out and about.

There are free and paid versions available, the free allowing you to have one agent and one chat open at a time, the paid version costing $12 per month per agent, but supports unlimited chats.
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#3 – WordPress Live Chat Plugin

wordpress live chat plugin
When you need a live chat plugin, but you’re on a budget, and you’re currently put off by monthly fees, WordPress Live Chat Plugin is a great solution to look into because it only costs $18 and this is a one-off fee that you pay for and then never have to pay for again.

This plugin is great because everything is easily managed and controlled via your WordPress dashboard. The chat boxes themselves are rather simple and minimalist, and there are two color schemes to choose from.
What you’ll love is the fact you can handle unlimited conversations at the same time without having to worry about extra costs, and you can have unlimited agents signed into your chats and answering queries.

If you’re offline for whatever reason, you can set up the offline screen easily and automatically, and any questions someone has will be forwarded directly to your email inbox.
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#4 – Olark

wordpress live chat plugin
Olark is another super-powerful but incredibly simple and user-friendly live chat service both for you as a business and for your customers. While it’s built for WordPress and it might not contain all the features you’re looking for, if you’re in need of something to get you started, this is it.

Olark can be easily integrated into your existing WordPress website using a simple add-on of code which you can then embed anywhere into your website; meaning this is a super-simple installation process.

However, while Olark doesn’t have all the features you’ll need, it does offer some quite advanced features that you’ll be hard-pressed to find with other WordPress live chat services. Some of these features include;

A. Extensive chat reports and insights, including how many chats you’re processing, how quickly operators are responding and overall levels of customer satisfaction.
B. Advanced CRM integration with platforms like Nutshell, Salesforce, and Highrise, etc.
C. The ability to remove the Olark white label watermark
D. See exactly what products are in each customer’s basket to help you finalize sales

Of course, there are also a ton of features like storing and searching through every chat history and the ability to download and read through transcripts of each conversation. You can even organize your live chat operators and sort them out into teams or department, such as a sales team and a support team.
Finally, you can easily integrate this chat into existing helpdesk and ticketing platforms like Desk.com, Zendesk, and Groove! Use with plugins and tools like Customer Notes and Freshdesk to optimise your customer’s experience.
Live Chat

#5 – EngageBay

wordpress live chat plugin
EngageBay is the most comprehensive free live chat software currently available in the market.This free software comes in the form of a WordPress plugin and provides several high-end features such as: Tracking the visitor through their entire customer journey With EngageBay Live chat plugin, a single screen will provide all visitor activity and lead information to your agents. They can use this data to personalize their responses and make more humane connections with them. Automated proactive support to the visitors. Agents can send context-based, personalized proactive messages to the visitors right when they need it, making them trust you quickly. Agent collaboration. With EngageBay, agents transfer chats to any other agent and also attach a note to the chat transcript. The note can be use by anyone who chats with that particular visitor at any time.

Take customer service to the next level with EngageBay’s free WordPress Live Chat plugin. Chat live online with your visitors and customers, answer their queries, resolve their concerns, boost customer service and grow sales instantly. All of this right from within your website.
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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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