HomeBusinessUnderstanding the Research Elements of SEO for E & M-commerce Businesses

Understanding the Research Elements of SEO for E & M-commerce Businesses

Mobile ecommerce SEO provides basis for websites to build a strong digital marketing strategy. In 2019, mobile ecommerce sales are projected to increase by 63.5% of total ecommerce sales, i.e. $1.804 trillion in revenue.

According to Emarketer,
“Smartphone retail mcommerce sales will reach $203.94 billion in 2019, making up 34% of all US ecommerce sales and an average annual spend per smartphone shopper will be $1,763.”

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technlogy changing ecommerce

With these stats in sight, mobile commerce SEO upholds a strong stature. If you own an ecommerce website and are considering to optimize conversions via organic campaigns, the following SEO research elements will assist in accelerating your growth and improving your online visibility.
Pointers that top iOS app development companies in US and around the globe work on to deliver superior quality products to the costumers.

Website Performance & Mobile-First Index

Mobile consumer survey results state that Americans check their phone 47x per day.Taking into account these facts, by July 2019 Google will begin using a mobile-first index.

For mobile ecommerce, ensure your website is configured for mobile users. Here are 3 ways to implement a mobile-first website:

• Dynamic serving
• Responsive design
• Using separate URLs
• Use structured data markup on you E-store

On-Page SEO

Ecommerce stores have two common page types, i.e. category pages and product pages. Optimizing these two categories can help you rank higher on SERPs.

A. Category Page Optimization
Category pages serve as an organized focal point for all related products. Optimizing these pages according to higher search level keeping in mind buyers’ intent and targeting the same with broader match keywords range is essential for an eStore.

B. Product Page Optimization
Product pages in an ecommerce store serve as an optimal ground for conversions therefore such pages should be designed with all focus on user experience. Other than traditional SEO elements like page title, header tags, meta descriptions and rendered image carousels; an eStore product page should focus on product description, information and product customer feedback.

Beginning with product descriptions optimization it is essentially vital to have a description that stands out.
The best practice to help distinguish your ecommerce store products from other estores is by putting up unique, personalized product descriptions that are custom-tailored to your audience.

The criteria for engaging product descriptions include:
• Use buyers’ personas (understand consumers intent for being in that product page)
• Outline product distinguishing features (color, weight, quantity, dimensions)
• Motivating the buyer (discounts, if any)
• Use an easy-to-scan product copy (non-pixelated images, valid manufacturer information)
• Trigger emotional selling for prospects (product reviews and customer feedback)

Keyword Research

Keyword research is part of ‘active’ SEO and it is an ongoing loop-cycle process. Each keyword term or phrase you analyze during research for your ecommerce store should be customer-oriented and ecommerce market centric.

The research should entail in-depth adequate keywords to engage the target market audience. With Google’s emphasis on voice search, your keyword research should include keywords against which a consumer might perform a voice query, for example product focused “buying” phrases. These keywords could be long-tail phrases or questions related to credibility of a product. The key take away is understanding the buyers’ intent while performing keyword research.

We have devised a list of ecommerce keywords criteria in the light of buyer’s persona
• High volume searches/month
• Capable of generating conversions
• minimal competition
• Product focused
• Targeting ‘Buying’ phrases
• Higher ranking ability

Structured Data Markup

Structured data markup helps search engines identify product information and present that information in the form of Rich Resultsor for example a product review or price information.

structured data map

Rich results enabled by structured data (like the one above)to your eCommerce store can potentially increase the visibility of your webpages frequency of clicks (CTR) the product page will earn. Enhance the search snippets for your website by adding product and review markup schema to your product pages.

Enhanced Ecommerce Analytics

google analytics

Enhanced Ecommerce Analytics help understand how traffic is influencing your e-store sales. It also enables advanced measurement of how users visiting your site interact with products present site wide.

Enhanced Ecommerce Analytics offer data-driven decisions about optimizing your e-store website. Utilizing the information from analytics, you can derive deeper data analysis insights on:
• Conversion rates
• Revenue
• Transaction details
• Shopping behavior
• Product performance
• Promotion and campaign success

Competitor Analysis

A greater part of ecommerce SEO is keenly observing your primary niche competitors, something that top enterprises, let it be top iOS app development companies in US or a small convenience store chain, does to stay abreast with the dynamic competition around them. For competitor analysis you need to be conducive and perform 5 step evaluation and analysis.

Starting with
• Heuristic evaluation – An evaluation based on determining which dynamics your competitors are doing right and where they are falling short.
• Audit Pricing – Auditing the prices for your top products and the similar product prices your competitors are offerings. Also, looking for frequency of discounts offered and promotions.
• Reviews – Check on-site and third party business reviews on your competitor’s business e-store and products they offer.
• Keyword gap analysis – Analyze the keywords your competitors’websites are ranking for and how your e-store position relates to them.
• Onsite SEO Audit– Analyze conventional SEO elements of your competitor’s ecommerce website, specifically focus on content strategy.
This analysis would help you gain an understanding of your competitors’ weaknesses and strengths. The analysis in turn would enable you to identify and tap target competitor’s soft spotsto your advantage.

Interactive Media (Video, SVG images)

Visuals are a game changer when it comes to ecommerce. People are 64-85% more likely to make a purchase after watching a video
Not only do videos and SVG images provide exceptional user experience but also leverage increased exposure. Videos primarily help create emotional connection with your customers since they serve as a medium for interaction with your product prior to purchase.


Capping Off

Google has catapulted us into a mobile-first world, with every 1 in 4 online dollars spent on mobile, mobile ecommerce has become wildly competitive. Ecommerce Mobile SEO has gained more vitality than ever before and standing out from competitors, gaining visibility and acquiring prospects in a crowded mobile environment is much tougher than can be contemplated.

Creating a solid marketing strategy can provide foundation for you ecommerce business and can prove to be a crunch point for all your digital marketing efforts.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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