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5 Main Struggles of Engineering Students

Every engineering student goes into university with high hopes and plenty of energy. However, the dreams of having spirited arguments with professors and fun experiments are quickly dashed by reality. Pretty soon after entering a college, every engineering student will begin to struggle, but the good news is that they’ll learn to challenge irrational arguments. This is not meant to knock down anyone with the dream of becoming a great engineer, but merely to get future students ready.

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Staying up late

Your mates in other departments will spend most of their nights asleep or partying while you’re busy trying to complete assignments. Normally, engineering courses are among those with the most workload, so be prepared to spend a lot of time studying at night. Then there will be times when exams coincide with other assignments, which means even less sleep. Over time, this takes a toll on engineering students and many who can’t handle the pressure drop out of school. In fact, most of the college dropouts come from engineering courses. For others, they opt to take stimulators such as Adderall or Ritalin to help them study long hours. This is now a worldwide problem as between 5 and 35% of students take these drugs for non-medical reasons.

We all know the dangers of abusing drugs, and this makes the problem potentially dangerous. But there are ways to get around it, such as making use of dissertation writing services from reputable companies. It is now possible through such a company to get a qualified engineer to help you create a perfect dissertation. With that out of the way, you can then focus on other aspects of the course such as lectures and assignments without losing sleep. It is important to choose carefully, though, who you select to help you with this task because you might end up looking like a fool if the job isn’t done right.

Balancing school with other activities

Just because you’re in university dong an engineering course doesn’t mean life ends there – life has to go on. From work, friends and family, hobbies to socializing; all these are things you have to keep doing. Unfortunately, the workload that falls upon an engineering student may make balancing all these aspects of life very difficult to do. Nonetheless, these have to be achieved, but it won’t be easy.
The trick, as you will come to learn is sacrificing the unimportant issues, establishing strict time management guidelines and having a support group preferably comprised of other engineering students.

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Failure to meet expectations

Any new engineering student probably pictures a time in the laboratory as one of having fun while building something really cool. This is rarely the case as most of the stuff is theoretical or small scale. Add to that, the professors are hardly encouraging and will probably just scribble equations on a blackboard for hours. It is understandable why they do this, when you think about it. After all, no one wants to become an engineer just so that they can teach. You probably want to do cool stuff and so does your professor, who also perhaps has some research of his own to perform.

You should try to get over these feelings by managing your expectations. That is not the same as thinking small or being pessimistic; but just don’t expect to be building or fixing stuff in the lab right away. Also find your own motivation to keep going as you probably won’t find it elsewhere. Like they say, do what you love and you won’t have to work a day in your life.

Difficult exams

There’s a reason engineering students study harder for tests, and that’s because the exams are no joke. Other disciplines don’t require much to earn their students an A, but you will need to do a lot more. The first thing you can do is start getting comfortable with a passing grade over a distinction. Then consider how weighting of marks is done so that you know where to put your focus on and allocate your effort appropriately.

Keeping up with the coursework

During any semester, there will be a lot of coursework to go through, and sometimes it becomes hard to keep up with all of it, especially if you have other personal challenges. What you can do is join group studies, record the lectures on your phone or consider summer school.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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