HomeBlogHow to Create a Winning Facebook Messenger Strategy with MobileMonkey

How to Create a Winning Facebook Messenger Strategy with MobileMonkey

The average mobile user has an attention span that is merely seconds. That’s how fast a lead can lose interest in your products or services. This means that every touchpoint should be strong enough to elicit attention, interest, desire, and action among your target market. This is why more and more companies now turn to technology to optimize marketing initiatives in social platforms online.

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Technology has taken the marketing world by storm. It’s constantly learning to make processes better. Now, artificial intelligence technology personalizes dashboards according to recent activity. Now, content has become more personal rather than promotional.

Another breakthrough in technology is the birth of chatbots. Chatbots are here to improve user experience whether it’s answering inquiries to scheduling appointments. Chatbots have made market engagement more efficient. It helps build credibility by establishing trust among your customers. Chatbots engage with customers on a personal level thus providing pleasant service. As they get smarter over time, it becomes a great advantage to e-commerce business as well as brick and mortar stores.

What makes a chatbot promising is the lack of restrictions. Unlike humans, it can accommodate requests 24/7 thus furthering your customer service regardless of the time constrictions. Chatbots can also accommodate thousands of conversations simultaneously. Humans on the other hand, can only accommodate three at most. Being able to engage with your customers 24/7 is a power that can help you convert leads into buyers.

Growing a community is important in order to flourish in social channels. Chatbots help you automate this process through personal engagement. Chatbots are a smart way to sift through repetitive and mundane questions so you can utilize your manpower into something more important. Another brilliant thing about chatbots is that it provides an interactive experience as the first touchpoint with your audience. It’s not a passive platform as it offers engaging content to your audience. It’s amazing to think you can achieve this without wasting resources on backend support.

Check out these Free Facebook Messenger Chatbot Templates to see how chatbots can be used in various industries including B2B, Ecommerce, Real estate, B2C, and other industries.

What’s a Good Chatbot Builder I can use?


MobileMonkey is the Best Messenger Marketing Platform, and they mean it. The brand gives marketers an easy-to-use platform to engage with their target customers. They offer a straightforward and effective platform that creates a powerful bot. It’s simple, it turns leads into buyers.

The best thing about MobileMonkey is that it’s ideal for any Facebook messenger marketing strategies. You name it, MobileMonkey can integrate it. You can create messenger ads, chat blasts, drip campaigns, customer service, on-site chat, and list building. The secret is its intuitive workflows that can be created without a single line of code. The features allow you to get leads through an intuitive bot.

Unlike other chatbots, MobileMonkey can create a smart chatbot. You can use broad-spectrum keywords to answer frequently asked questions. You can also incorporate MobileMonkey to your website for live chat support. This way, your customers don’t have to travel from platform to platform. Instead, you provide 360 support from website to messenger. This makes your customer experience more pleasant.

How to Execute Messenger Marketing Strategies on MobileMonkey

Generate targeted traffic through a top of the funnel lead generation tactic. This strategy used to be only possible through e-mail. But with MobileMonkey, it’s now possible to get 70% to 80% open rates in Messenger. The reason behind this is that there are TONS of people in messenger, approximately around 1.3 Billion people. Great marketers take advantage of this through content that’s persuasive, relevant, and consistent.

In MobileMonkey, you only need to follow three steps to create a chatblast.
1. Build a Chat Page
2. Create the Blast
3. Blast it!

Please note: Messenger Broadcasting requires applying for Subscription Messaging permissions.

Use the chatbot builder in order to create the content. You can personalize your content by typing in double curly brackets. This toggles a drop down menu with custom contact variables.

Quick tip: ALWAYS include the first name of your audience to make the experience more special. This tactic can make your customers feel warm and fuzzy on the inside!


In order to push your leads further down the funnel, add call to action buttons that redirect to your page!

As a rule, you have to add an unsubscribe option to all of your messages. This is so that you can avoid irate customers. It also helps reduce the number of complaints. You can also remind your audience to type “STOP” if they want to opt out.
You can test your blast by clicking the “Send to Me” button. Do this to ensure that there are no errors in your chat page.


See the marketing automation tools and select “Chat Blaster.” From there, choose the page you’ll blast from the drop down menus

You can also use the drop down options to select a Facebook Messenger audience segment for your blast.

Once you’re done, choose the purpose of the blast from the menu. Here’s a list of all possible options you can select:
# Promotional update
# Community alert
# Event attendee reminder
# Non-promotional subscription
# Pairing update
# Application update
# Account update
# Payment update
# Personal finance update
# Shipping update
# Reservation update
# Issue resolution
# Appointment update
# Game event
# Transportation update
# Feature functionality update
# Ticket update

If everything has been accomplished, you simply need to press send in order to send you chat blast.
For PRO or TEAM users, you can schedule blasts at a certain date and time!



Another powerful strategy that helps you keep engaged with your leads and former customers are drip campaigns. These are sets of automated e-mails that can be triggered by a specific user action. This campaign can be structured to a certain timeline thus you get to interact with your customers and leads through relevant and engaging content. The best part of it is that Drip Campaigns on Facebook Messenger get 8x more conversions than e-mails.

Once again, MobileMonkey’s intuitive UI allows you to create a drip campaign in three steps!

Create Audience Segement
1. Create Audience Segment
2. Create Content
3. Set Up Campaign

Creating an audience is simple. You can utilize conversion forms to assign custom variables depending on your customer’s answers. Following this, you can create two custom audience segments from the audience manager.
creating audience segment

Custom audiences can depend on a number of things. It can be based on interest, services, customer budget, and even attended webinar. This way, you can further personalize your drip campaigns depending on a myriad of things.

Pick the desired variable and type the attribute value for the audience. Below is a screenshot of the set up for DONKEY CREW using the attribute DONKEYS 4ME.

Use the chatbot builder to build each page. You can use widgets, quick questions, animated gifs and even text with buttons. Make sure to create engaging and personalized content during this step!

creating content

Once the content is finished you’re all set to execute you campaign. Utilize the marketing automation tools in MobileMonkey.
setup campaign

All you have to do is click “New Drip Campaign.” Name you campaign, choose your audience from the drop down menu, and select your blast purpose! You can then schedule a timeline of drips using a drop down menu. Pick each page and when it will be delivered.


Set your campaign to active and then save!

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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