HomeHealthENT Specialist Treat the Simple to Severe

ENT Specialist Treat the Simple to Severe

ENT doctors specialize in treatments for ear, nose, and throat. They are also responsible for treating sleep disorders and neck problems. You might need to consult with an ENT Specialist for conditions of the ear such as hearing impairment, ringing in the ear (tinnitus), ear infections, pain in the ear, and ear disorders that affect your balance.

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ENT Specialist

They may treat congenital problems of ears. Apart from this, they also treat nasal cavity & sinus problems, certain conditions that affect your smelling sensation, physical appearance or breathing. Moreover, ENT specialists can diagnose, treat, and help cure problems of the throat that affects eating, swallowing, digestion, speech problems, etc. Furthermore, conditions such as trauma, tumors, diseases or any deformities in the head, neck or face fall under the purview of ENT specialists.

What are ABC problems in ENT?

ENT conditions can sometimes be life-threatening, it may be the case when it’s causing an A, B, or C problem:
A: Airway obstruction due to an inhaled foreign body, epiglottitis, quinsy, anaphylaxis/angioedema, croup, or facial fractures.
B: Breathing difficulty due to croup, or inhaled foreign body.
C: Circulatory compromise due to hemorrhage, for example, epistaxis, from a facial fracture, secondary hemorrhage after ENT surgery, for example, after tonsillectomy.

Modern ENT Treatments:

For Ear (Otology)

Tympanoplasty: Extensive exposure to loud noises can damage the eardrum, which can cause hearing impairment. Tympanoplasty is the treatment of eardrum damage.

Mastoidectomy: The mastoid is found in ear & can lead to ear infection spreading to the skull. Mastoidectomy is used to remove diseased mastoid air cells.

Stapedectomy: When the bone in the ear doesn’t stop growing, it restricts the stapes from moving causing hearing loss. Stapedectomy is used to remove the bone.

Myringotomy: It is the surgery where a small hole is made into the eardrum to drain out infectious materials.

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For Nose (Rhinology)

FESS or Functional Endoscopic Sinusitis Surgery: It improves structural anomalies within the nose to improve chronic sinusitis and associated breathing problems.

Septoplasty: it is the procedure for correcting the disfigured septum, allowing for improved airflow through the nose.

Turbinate Reduction: Turbinates helps to cleanse the air passing through the nostrils. Turbinates reduction surgery helps fix blocked airways and improve breathing.

For Voice and Throat (Laryngology)

Microlaryngeal Surgery: It is a procedure used to remove abnormal growths in the throat to treat laryngeal cancer or to correct voice disorders.

Tonsillectomy: Tonsils are two masses of tissues known as lymph nodes. They located at the back of your throat. Tonsillitis is the procedure to remove infected tonsils.

Adenoidectomy: It is the procedure to remove the adenoids to prevent the persistent nasal obstruction or sinus infection causing throat complications.

For Snoring and Obstructive Sleep Apnoea

Septoplasty: It is the procedure for correcting the disfigured septum, allowing for improved airflow through the nose.

UP3 or Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty: It is a surgical procedure for removing the soft tissue at the back of the throat, including the soft palate and uvula.

Tongue Base Reduction: It is a procedure for treating obstructive sleep apnea by removing a significant amount of tissue without compromising the tongue function.

The purview of ENT treatments:

An ENT is not only associated with the treatment of Ear, Nose, and Throat but also Head and Neck problems. Some prestigious healthcare facilities are using the finest technology and manpower to execute treatments for voice disorders and advanced procedures such as phonosurgery and laryngology. New and cutting-edge technology help provide the best possible treatment these days. If you are suffering from any ENT conditions, no matter how mild it is, you must visit an ENT specialist and identify simple or severe issues that can affect your health. For further queries about the infections, diseases, and treatments of the ear, nose or throat, you can consult the best ENT specialist and get all your doubts and queries fixed. Don’t let your condition is keeping you from living life to the fullest, an ENT can help.

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