HomeLifeStyleHow Can I Make the Most of My Weekends?

How Can I Make the Most of My Weekends?

An interesting question, right? How have you always spent your weekends? To effectively spend these two days, you must plan. We talk about planning in all aspects of life. Why? Because it is just that important. Let me ask you another simple question – how many hours are there in a weekend? I cannot believe you are failing this simple test! Did you say 48 hours? How wrong you are! Let me help you do the math here first. From Friday 6pm when you are completely out of official duty down to Monday 6am… how many hours? A total of 60 good hours! Isn’t this just too much? Now a healthy person requires 6 hours of sleep to be productive. But I want to give you 8 hours instead. If you sleep for 8 hours on the three nights, you will need 24 hours. But then you had 60, which means you are left with a total of 36 hours. To me, this is a lot of time! How can you make the most out your weekends?
Ready for summer holidays. Sunglasses hat and wicker basket.

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We are made to believe that weekends come with rest, simply sleeping, watching that movie, or playing that video game. This is a total waste of your life. Have you ever had someone you consider successful celebrating that the weekend has finally come? If yes, then we need to redefine the term ‘successful’. The point is – we need to use our weekend in the most productive way. Do not confuse what am saying with the foolish assertion that we need to be working 24/7. I am a hustler and I advocate for it. However, working throughout never help. You need to be refreshed over the weekend in order to attack the weak ahead effectively. Again, am not saying you should idle. I guess you have tried this before and it never worked. I mean, how often how many weekends have you spend sleeping or doing nothing at all and when Monday came you still regretted? Let me share with you some of the best ways you can make the best out of your weekends.

• Plan

Yes, you need to plan! I am in for what they say – if you do not plan, then you are, basically, preparing to fail. Let me illustrate. We tend to be so busy and once the weekend comes, we do not have an urge to do anything. But then we, unconsciously, find ourselves doing some things. All of a sudden Sunday knocks and we are left questioning what happened. So the guiding principle in this regard is – plan how you intend to spend your weekend. Even if things do not go the way you intended, you will still get some happiness from antedating your fun.

• Chase your passion

What is your hobby? Playing subway suffers on your comp? Spend your time pursuing the things you have passion for. Did you know that George w. Bush has always been an enthusiastic painter? Do not carry operate mechanically just like machines. You are human with passions and desires, and the best time to pursue them is over the weekend. After a long busy week, you really need to unwind and spending time on your hobbies is the best way to do that. Never should you feel guilty when it comes to spending time on hobbies. In fact, you can turn out to be very creative and develop other skills relevant to solving work-related challenges.

• Unplug

Advancements in technology have made our world very interconnected. You may be away from work but you keep receiving those emails from clients or staff mates. The challenge is that this may consume much of your personal time. You may find yourself working even past 6pm or during the weekend. You need a time out of work. Technology should not take this away from you. The same way you do not allow anything to disrupt your working time is the same way you shouldn’t anything take the time you need to be relaxing. In this case, it may be necessary to spend your weekend out without your phone. If it is a must you have it, consider switching off the internet connection for a while. The disruption may not only be work-related, but it may also as well come from friends. But then what if it is your boss demanding you to work over the weekend? Well, this might be challenging. Try talking to him on why it is important to have time away from work. He may listen to you. The bottom line is – you need to disconnect from work over the weekend, even if it means for some hours.

• Spend part of the time with your family members and friends

You have spent Monday to Friday working. Maybe your children even do not see you or if they do it is for just a few hours. They need to be with you over the weekend and you should never deny them that. There are so many examples of celebrities who spent time with their families whenever they are free from work and this has been helpful to them. Think of Barack Obama with his beautiful daughters! But what if you do not have kids? You can still have fun with other loved ones. Are you in an active relationship? You can meet and talk face to face, even have meals together. If you cannot meet, spare time for a phone call. In addition, you can drive home and enjoy the company of your parents and siblings.

• Volunteer

There is happiness in giving, the greatest man Jesus Christ said. Look for something you can do to benefit others or the community in general. You can visit children home and encourage those children and you will find the happiness that comes with giving.


There are so many ways of making the best out your weekends. Start by planning and everything will go well with you. Do not fall into the trap of working 24/7. It causes more harm than good. If you are still not satisfied with the idea, you need to undergo counselling session. Just make sure you use the 60 hours of the weekend in the most effective way. Thank you.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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