HomeBlogHow to Start Guest Blogging When You are Completely Unknown

How to Start Guest Blogging When You are Completely Unknown

A Blog is a layout where topics from anywhere and everywhere are put into light. A blog is not only a medium of information, to go through but an open platform to express and accept people’s view, which the newspapers and magazine lack. It’s about starting the conversation in the first place.

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Blogs become popular when based on the certain topics like products, people, politics, culture, space, science, art, animals, food, geography, history, buying-selling; it’s a wide perspective to look into, with an interminable pit.
Updating each day, with the trending topics to read and engaging audiences from various walks of life.

guest blogging

but let me tell you that if you really looking forward to becoming a blogger by profession I would strongly suggest you learn about SEO and use its applications to promote your blogs on Google and other search engines. However, if you think that SEO is not your cup of tea you must consult or hire a search engine optimization company for your blog.

Blogger & Blogging!

To Blog, needs a Blogger! There is a wide difference between Journalism and blogging. Journalism works on the grounds of facts covered and made it approachable to people. It can be beauty, lifestyle, travel, food that can be blogged without the concerns of the situational happening, but the imagination of the Blogger of how it can hook the reader to the topic and create the content full of taste. Unlike Journalism, blogging is never textbook, it has to be a way to engage, entertain people, without false claims, but with something that keeps on increasing the appetite of the others.

Blogger is an individual sharing the stories from one’s aspect like a conversation. Bloggers are meant to design content in a way that makes you feel the true essence of the subject of the day or the latest posts. To people of verticals, describe blogging as an easy to do a job, which isn’t at all! A blogger has an update mechanism, walking in the pace of what is happening in the very moment. It works totally on the grounds to keep its followers or visitors, fed well with the latest post. Processing truly on the internet and the happenings in and around the world. Impacting people of all kinds, and in every age group reaching as far as possible.

From starting a conversation to discussing the critical nature of incidents, from buying products to relying on the review & reading about celebrities or deciding to follow them, is well rooted with the basics of blogging.
If you have a passion for writing, the fire within you urges to express yourself through your fingers, then blogging might open dimensions in a whole different level. But blogging is an arduous work!

There is one more aspect of blogging you need to keep in mind and that is negative commenting and trolling of your account page, posts and articles. Thus, it is very important to know how to respond to the negative feedback on your content.

Obviously, you can’t get angry and reply them back with the same bitterness and negativity because that is what differentiates you from them.

Some people choose to own a domain and get to people through their way. Some, find it difficult to drag the numbers needed to fetch the greens, that would not only maintain the blog but also would not hinder to choose it, as the only career designation. Some opt for it, as to bring change, to their career and some want to earn more, and hence blogging seems a way.

Why does someone choose to Guest Blog?

Owning the overall functioning of media platforms, there is a lot more behind the curtains invisible to us. A team of people puts together to maintain the algorithm to make those articles appear in the top 10, the first page of your search engine, that catches attention, the rest most of the time, are not often viewed and visited.

It does wonders in creating a connection between people you want to know, in terms of professional common grounds.
First, you need to comprehend, what is Guest blogging?

Guest Blogging basically is writing for the owners of the blog, or a company to increase the numbers coming in. This helps one, make a name, and get readers to divert into their own blogs. Guest blogging is not to be tagged as a wandered job, it should be held in a concentration of a certain domain to be focused that could help make a name among the readers. The titles assigned should have unique concepts, with smooth readability and error-free content. The whole textual scheme must carry links to sources of the titles, directing to the sites in relation and sometimes their own websites.

And second, how to start Guest Blogging?

1. When choosing to Guest Blog, you should go for a safe way to initiate the venture, by working in the grounds, suitable for you, that is, the topics you know better, hold expertise in and can write a lot about, simple to say, that is showcased on your personal blog. When writing something you know better about, would not only drag the audience to the content but also make you engage in writing, avoiding getting bored and tired of the topics.

2. Start with the blogs you visit often, writing for them would make you feel good and know the market of the workings better. If you don’t want to go through every blog, leaving comments and finding what would work for you, just go to your search engine to find where you can ‘Guest Blog’, scrutinizing your point of interest to work with, by going through the basics of the Blog, the nature, the information and everything that would make you want to blog for them. There are numerous sites that welcome bloggers from outside to write for them, through emails or submissions. Follow the policies of the blogs, and how they work to get you through.

3. Once you fully understand the working of the blog, and the component that seems common for both of you, submit your blog, email, send a query for a blog you have already posted, on your blog or some other. The topic, of the link provided, should match the category of the target audience of the platform you choose. If confused, try talking to bloggers, that are and have been working for a long period of time for suggestions on how to go smooth and good when guest blogging. Always remember that, when you are an unsolicited post i.e unrequested on someone else’s platform, it should be interesting and engaging to let people click the link and go through. Create an interlink between the blog and the guest post, making a common basis of both the concepts posted, initiating curiosity to go through the post.

Create grounds for ‘Guest Blogging’

1. Networking

It always pays in, one needs to give in to get something out of it. Start with your social media platforms, Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, Pinterest, comment a lot, demonstrate how active you are in terms of conversation and the topics the blogs are posted on. Commenting as much as you can, gives you a decent, simple and strong approach to get the attention for starters.

2. Attend conferences and seminars

You’ll definitely get introduced to people, owners of websites and blogs that’ll open up the opportunity you didn’t think existed. Virtual approach surely makes an impact on the target you want to hit it, but real-life confrontation would act even better in meeting like these.

3. Emailing

Next step, is to go deep! Emailing is the best way to get personal but not that personal. After reading, researching and deciding what suits your preference as a guest blogger. Email the blogger, tell them how you love their content, and how amazing it acts for you. You can even leave an email for someone you met at the conference to make them remind of your presence and the approach you made personally.

4. Ask for Recommendation

If you know someone who can do that for you. If you have been blogging, you might come in contact with people! And that would benefit you in the long run, making it sleek to attain what you want.

What to do when your Guest post is live?

When your Guest post is pinned up, and it’s ready to go around.

1. Engage

Engage with the comments, reply to people, and as soon as possible. Show interest, put efforts in the conversation they start in the comment section.

2. Declare
Through your Blog, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, that your guest post is out, let people go check it out. Tweet your posts twice or thrice, share the posts where you guest blog, getting more and more people to go through the link.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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